@_MarakuJa1 So what are you still doing here? That’s a serious question. Every day we see you posting responses like “the game is going to die, player numbers are plummeting, we need to fire the developers, the game is crap”. Seriously, if the game makes you vomit that much, change games, man.
Some people just enjoy “sharing” their sour moods with others, unfortunately.
There are many other places and reasons to feel offended than by someone on a video game forum, right?
If it’s a serious matter, why do you keep ignoring the reason even though you’re aware of it? Either you’re of bad character or you lack reading comprehension.
We finally have confirmation, Immortal Pillars will launch March 4th!
Seems like they’re going with Fuxi, Nüwa, and Shennong as major gods again.
We’ll see how this goes.
This seems like a meh dlc, just how much people are actually working right now? 4 devs cant do the do the job dozens of people did
Yeah that’s one of the only things I am bit disappointed about.
- Fuxi and Shennong again why
- God portraits look okay but could be better
- maybe a bit too short campaign but we’ll see
everything else looks great tho.
Also interesting:
- they seem to have similar favour gaining like old Atlanteans but better/more advanced
- They have Norse like economy unit mechanics
- They have Egypt mercenary mechanics with terracotta soldiers from TCs
Interesting but I like the unit designs from what I saw so far.
Still not that happy about the things mentioned above personally but let’s see maybe they at least will change portraits a bit again till release (like they did before) I mean its still a month away, nothing major and easy to fix (except for the length of the campaign ofc)
I don’t know if they have terracotta mercenaries from the town center. I think I read how Nüwa is going to spawn “clay peasants” from the town center, in addition to regular villagers/“peasants” you can build.
I don’t know where you picked up what you said about their favor gathering or their economy.
Then just read additional overview info I don’t make things up just read more closely
I never said anything about you making stuff up. I just don’t know where you get that info from.
I was hoping you’d point me where you saw that, or explain how you got to that conclusion, but I never accused you of lying or something.
If it came across that way, I’m sorry.
English isn’t my first language. Maybe if we were talking in German, things would be clearer. (I think you mentioned that you spoke German. Won’t rule out that I’m mistaking you for someone with a similar pfp)
Found it.
One thing I found very curious was that Chiyou’s focus is “Looting”.
Did the Chinese have a type of mechanic to steal part of the resources from destroyed buildings?
Wouldn’t that be the function of the wooden ox that appeared in the first teaser last year?
I’m curious how it works. The article doesn’t tell us much about it, it’s only indirectly mentioned.
Favoured Land seems to be something that is spread by buildings, maybe even all buildings. Nüwa gives +1 more range for this.
But on the other hand Fuxi makes buildings on Favoured Land work faster so it can’t be something all buildings have.
Shennong gives 5 HP/second regeneration on Favoured Land which sounds pretty strong considering Gaia Lush only give 1 HP/second.
So Favoured Land is likely something that is more expensive to spread then Gaia Lush and it doesn’t necessarily have to be the thing that generates favour.
It sounds a lot more like the levy mechanic from AoE3 since they can only do it once for every Town Centre.