How to beat Mercenaries

ChatGPT is that you?


No, its me my experiences by playing the skrimishers, though I don’t play multiplayers nor an active multiplayer. it may assist him in the multiplayers as well.

Militias not attacking mercenaries.

Certain stances reducing ‘damage’ as well.

This may not be true in my experience never come in my notice before while playing nor above are mentioned in-game by placing cursor on the stances and militias.

I think there were some factions probably European ones that don’t have the melee infantry at their barracks. Though I maybe flawaed here.

You sure? This is what I got from ChatGPT and it is eerie similar

  1. Counter infantry mercenaries with cavalry units: Use your cavalry to quickly engage and flank the enemy infantry mercenaries, taking advantage of their speed and superior mobility to deal heavy damage.
  2. Deploy artillery units against mercenaries: Position your artillery strategically behind a protective front line to rain down devastating area damage on groups of mercenaries, exploiting their vulnerability to ranged attacks.
  3. Upgrade unit stats and technologies: Research military advancements to enhance your units’ attack and defense capabilities, giving them a significant advantage when facing mercenaries on the battlefield.
  4. Utilize ranged infantry against cavalry mercenaries: Deploy your ranged infantry to target and weaken cavalry mercenaries from a safe distance, exploiting their vulnerability to ranged attacks.
  5. Use anti-ship units against naval mercenaries: Employ specialized naval units equipped with anti-ship capabilities, such as frigates or galleons, to engage and destroy naval mercenaries, preventing them from causing damage to your coastal defenses or trade routes.

They are just like any other unit, if its infantry you need to make cannons. If its cav you need to make dragoons or pike unit type.
Remember mercenaries are very expensive, heavy pop cost, and kinda slow to train.

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Much diiferent than Chat GPT. If it is then it can be coincidence. As I often privately play the skirmishes of rts of my choice ever since my school years.

Other than the discussion, I don’t use Chat GPT at all in General. Google search engine is enough to fulfill my internet needs, though my discusisions are not drawn from the internet either other than my personal experiences.

You can also engage swarm of powerful units even the mercenaries through horse artillery as it has rapid fire rate, but its pop and resource cost are expensive.

ça fait un moment que je n’ai pas jouĂ©, mais les prĂȘtres soignent en combat depuis quand ?

Alors je n’ai jamais vu les indigùnes contrer efficacement contre les mercenaires, ce sont un groupe à part de soldats

Vu la volĂ©e de nerfs que se sont mangĂ© les aztĂšques, j’ai de sĂ©rieux doutes, de plus il ne contrent pas les mercenaires dĂ©solĂ©

SI le joueur en face s’adapte, il va sortir l’infanterie lĂ©gĂšre et avant que vous ne puissez comprendre ce qui se passe, les hallebardier se feront massacrer

Garder position est la pire chose que vous pouvez faire contre l’infanterie ou l’artillerie Ă  distance si vous comptez l’utiliser sur l’infanterie lourde ou de mĂȘlĂ©e, de mĂȘme utiliser le piĂ©tinement de votre cavalerie de mĂȘlĂ©e est la pire chose Ă  faire

Donc sans vouloir ĂȘtre mĂ©chant, je me demande si vous avez dĂ©jĂ  jouĂ© au jeu, j’ai moi mĂȘme beaucoup de choses Ă  apprendre encore, mais vos conseils malheureusement induisent en erreur des joueurs qui ne connaissent pas forcĂ©ment toute les subtilitĂ©s du jeu

Bien cordialement

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Played the game several times though the skrimishes, not multiplayer modes. Not meant to mislead him but he can consider the points if he want to. The points are also based on my assumptions on his play style that if he dont add melee infantry units, in his control goups or in an infantry control groups. Never said piests combat mercenaries though they heal the troops even the mercenaries on your side for sure, best to have plentiful them in the control groups of armed units.

Though your feedback is also fine on the points, the points for sure have weaknesses as well particulary when you play multiplayer modes other than the skrimishes.