How to make AOE4 less repetitive and more entertaining?

Thank you for your reply :slight_smile:

I think an AI with Character is very important. It is very boring to play against the faceless AI in AOE4. My friends and I often played against the AI in AOE3 and especially in Stronghold. An entertaining AI would be very important for casual / non competitive players. Yes a different playstyle and character is needed. For example in AOE3 Napoleon was my favorite opponent.

I like big maps very much. But I think the maps in AOE3 and AOE2 are not smaller than in AOE4. I think in AOE2 there are even bigger maps possible. There are lots of different looking maps in AOE3. For me the buildings, natives and treasures make it much more fun to explore. Maybe natives not suit AOE4. But there could be small villages according to the BIOM / Map with which you could make alliances. YES! More animals and plans are hardly needed. Also more different terrain is needed.

Yes a day night cycle at least as an option would be awesome. During the night, for example, the visibility of units and buildings could be reduced. With flares would not reduce visibility. This would be good for attacks. You could also make it so that units move more slowly at night.

Yes weather would be very nice. Maybe you’re right. Gameplay impact rather not.

Positioning units on walls should really be much more relevant. I mean it is one of the few new features compared to AOE2. Walls and towers should be much stronger. Otherwise this features will not be used. I very rarely see someone using this feature. Yes AOE4 should be more like Stronghold. Pitch fields that you can light with fire arrows would also be very welcome. Walls should be strong. 2 to 3 bombard shoots are enough to kill them :frowning:

For me the campaigns are not as entertaining as in AOE2. In my opinion the campaigns should be more like in AOE2. Lots of people said that the campaigns are by far not enough emotional and fun to play in AOE4.

I also don’t like too much micro. Only for battles it would maybe be fun. I think all military units should have special capabilities like English Longbow, which are important for a battle. A hero unit similar like the Khan for the Mongols for all civilizations would be very cool and entertaining. I also don’t want a Starcraft Micro.

Yes we really need more game modes.

Thank you :slight_smile: I also hope we will see them in the game :slight_smile: