Or just make it a DLC. those who want it can get it. Those sho don’t, good to go
Which is why I didn’t push that idea too hard. But if nationalism and ethnic tensions are not problems in a “game”, why do the developers avoid adding Tibetans, Ugyhurs, Palestinians etc.?
How is having different unit skins and adding tibet the same?
I think it needs to be created as a reskin for all of the basic non-siege units, done on a regional architecture civ basis. Regional monks and villagers should become part of the base game. Every other unit should become a DLC, probably paid for, definitely no more in cost than any of the current DLCs. In options, each player then gets the ability to turn on or off any of the regional unit sets. For example, they could turn off the Meso-American unit reskins, if they find that set is harder to recognize and impedes their ability to make efficient tactical decisions. I also think that unique Castles for each civ would be really good. And if they do want to have civ specific units at any point, I think regional units might be the way to go, and then just change the shields and other insignia to match the coat of arms for the civ.
A single different skin for the knight line or archer is a lot of hard work, new code names which means basically adding for every skin a new unit in the code, the more you write and add there, there is a possibility to change or break something, like bonus not working on some units,etc, also the RAM and vram usage will increase drastically loading x8 times more units, you have age of empires 4 with non generic units, maybe you could migrate there if you are feeling like aoe2 is not making any progress, cause 200 hours in this game is nothing.
This should really be a labour of love project for a modder, I’m sure there are a ton of talented ones out there
Based on what I’ve seen, there actually aren’t really. Not with reskinning stuff. Most of the models look like they either A) were made back in the days of AoK, or B) Don’t even look like they fit the game. It just looks really amateurish compared to the actual game. Also, they have to make them as data mods, which means that A) it can only be played as a single player or custom lobby game, and B) it breaks every second patch.