Idea for new setting: units slower when climbing/in marshes

So you haven’t tested it in the game itself?

AFAIK all they can do is either reduce speed or increase speed accross elevations (i.e. downhill+uphill). Making separate effects for each (slow for up and fast for down) won’t be possible in this game engine.

so disappointed to hear

Not recently, but remember notice it when I played the game long time ago.
Are you coder? Did you try to code the mechanic by yourself? Why are you so sure about the incapacity of engine to do it?

Yes I am a coder and modder of age of empires 2 and 3 since a decade.

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Nice! Well I supose you have more solid arguments than me. 11

nice to have a coder here. so is it possible that in some future patches that this come to us?

maybe we can use this mechanic:
the speed of a unit can be decided by the relationship between its orientation and the slope of the terrain?
for example. there are two grids, north and south, the north have the higher altitude. and if a unit is facing north , its speed is like -5% the normal speed.

is that possible?

can u look over this idea and estimate whether it is possible?

i did some test.
if a bomber canon shoots from downhill but move to the same altitude as the target before the projectile hits the target, there is still -25% damage. so the system records the altitude of a unit (at least when it shoots). if this is the case , i think it’s possible to tell whether its moving downhill or uphill by the engine.