Idea to make the infantry line in aoe more exciting

it’s good but will trade better vs Pike and survive longer from other melee units. For instance being a better counter to Huskarls.

Don’t give melee armor in Feudal M@A. That’d be silly. 11
Give it automatically by Castle age.

the point is its not all just archers or knights, despite your claims otherwise.
and no, most unique units aren’t USELESS they are situational. the problem with most unique units (if you consider it a problem) is that the require a castle, which means its easier to mass up other options, and uu don’t really become a viable option until imperial age.

my point is this - you claim the game is just knights and archers - and that’s false. if that was true you wouldn’t complain endlessly about eagles, and monks.
you also ignore infantry/siege options that exist, not to mention the civs who go cavalry archers.

again, if you wanted a game with radically different civs you probably shouldn’t have chosen aoe2 to begin with. even basic research would show that the game follows the same tech tree for almost every civ, with milder differences between them then say you would see in warcraft, starcraft, aoe3, or command and conquer

It seems you didn’t understand, or you understand but you just don’t accept the idea. Well if the bottom line is just you see this mechanic is not good then ok, this is your opinion, it was just an idea to make the infantry play better rule and more exciting play rather than sticking mainly with 2 units. About Eagles your argument here is useless, because the meso civs already are a Unique civs with unique style, and yet most of them go archers too.

no i understand what you want, but you fail to accept what is.
the game has more options then you portray, yet you pretend only archers and knights exist.
you ignore that infantry isn’t supposed to compete with knights and archers and gets advantages because of that (look at how fast they are to train, look at how they don’t have a trash counter), and yet you want them to compete better with knights and archers, without taking away some of those upsides they have.

Yeah this is why we see them all the time. And if you read my topic well you will know that they will not compete with knights and archers, it is to giving them a better rule.

because they aren’t a power unit, like knights, archers, cav archers, etc. the infantry lines strengths lies elsewhere. you just don’t like that. the whole role of the infantry line is to 1) counter huskarls, 2) counter eagles, and 3) counter trash.

no, that’s just what you think would happen - fyi Bulgarians militia line can already beat cavalry cost effectively. as can Vikings infantry. what do you think is going to happen if you give them a better way to close the gap and force engagements? Same with Malians, drop the extra PA for a few seconds to close the gap, then the PA comes back, boom able to wreck. imagine japanese infantry with 33% faster attacking able to close the gap.
imagine Goths infantry, who already do see use, oh, they don’t even get the final armor upgrade, losing some armor there isn’t going to be a big deal for them

11, and what I wrote?!

First of all if this will be introduced who said you can give it to all civs or even to all infantry civs?! 2nd thing The devs with their balance criteria will decide what to be or not, not me and not you!

the fact that you would have to rebalance the entire game is the problem with your idea.

and your idea isn’t some small balance buff. its an entire redesign of unit balance, not to mention game design. if your change went through not only would you have to rebalance civs, you’d probably have to change the entire role of the militia line in general and give them a trash counter.

Well, you will not know until you try, I don’t mind give it a shot for example in 1 Update/DLC and lets see the reviews, I always like try new things.

already tried other games with gimmicky activated abilities, i know enough to know that i don’t want them in aoe2, its not balanced around them and it shouldn’t either.

so try them in a game where its designed around stuff like that.

This is your own opinion, let the people say their opinions too. In general it is funny how we are talking like this is what gonna happen and we here discuss the update 11. It is just a discussion man, chill!

plays a game that isn’t designed around activated abilities, nor has it been for over 20 years now. wants to change the game to try this.

how about letting aoe2 be aoe2 and not something else? look how well burgundians and sicilians have worked out with trying to “Change things” or Cumans for that matter. look how much people LOVE the Lithuanian relic bonus.
there are other RTS games out there with activated abilties. go play those for those features.

Like @MatCauthon3 said I’m not a fan of new civs like Burgundians with weird abilities. AOE2 doesn’t really fit in that category. Especially the way game is setup for 20 years. Game isn’t even handled by OG game devs.
I’ll love new formations and other new activated abilities in AOE4 in proper way. But AoE2 is something that doesn’t fit there properly. I hope AOE4 does it proper way and make infantry more useful than Archers.

i honestly like Burgundians concept, i just hate their UU and Unique Techs. the rest of it (cheap, earlier eco bonuses coupled with cheaper cavalry upgrades) is okay in my book. heck even vineyards could be a good Unique Tech if they just made it “Farms generate gold” instead of the conversion.

I agree. I really want AOE2 to be AOE2, but my suggestion here is just like a buff or balance to make the militia line much better not to change AOE2. Well in general if they decrease the start food cost for militia line by 10 it will be enough at a good start imo, and Eagled stupid trash food cost must be increased to 30 rather than this stupid 20.

adding activated abilities to a game that has largely avoided activated abilities is not changing aoe2?

yeah lets buff the strongest opener in the game, right?

aww but i thought the game revolved around knights and archers, not other units.

It will change nothing with the opening, but 60f for generic infantry is too much, yeah supplies are good with 45f but not every one have supplies, and supplies food reduction will be 10 rather than 15, so in the end it will cost 40f which means only -5f from now but start with 50 is better than start with 60.

11, I said already that meso civs are unique civs by themselvs not only unique units.

just saves you another 30 food, but sure, let’s call it nothing. cuz you know, foods not important or anything.

point is you cry about literally everything. here you’re wanting to buff infantry cuz knights and archers, but at the same time you want to nerf two options that are good against those, monks, and eagles.

I wonder how you find a unit like Eagle that cost only 20 food is fine?! Yeah it cost 50g too, but food is much more important than gold to balance eco, so by this their trash food cost with their strong rule is a joke and you can mass them ez. About monks, again I only talked about Aztecs monks because they are broken.