If you were to design a future Indian DLC, which may split Dravidians along with adding some new ones which Civs would you include that’s not represented yet?

Who’s going to design a DLC by splitting Dravidians. OG Indians were a good civ and splitting them produced one more good civ and two terribly weak ones. If you split an already terrible civ, its going to be of interest only to the campaign makers.

Majority of the community is not going to care where the civs originated as long as they have good units like Knights, lancers/shrivamsha riders, good unique units and eco bonuses. But more civs with Elephant archers in place of Knights and Cavalry archers is just awful.

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Someone can explain why the hell this post got hidden?

Because you are calling civ shit and useless.


Yes, I don’t think there will be more South Asian civs…

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I hope for Siamese and maybe Javanese.

Because that is true. Or at least is in my opinion. I cant tell what I think about game here? Did this place is censored from every critic (a lot of times mods shows us that yes, it is censored and you cant complain anything about game)?

The Javanese are the Malays…

There is a pretty simple solution,dont buy the dlc if you dont like it.


That is not. Even without DLC, playing in multiplayer, you have to face any civ, bc somebody else did brought a crappy expansion, and you face it not only as enemy, but also as your teammate (majority plays in team, not 1 vs 1)