Personally,Im really looking forward to the game.
New mechanics.Attack from the forest.Newly generated map during each match.And more.
Although we know that there are a lot of of bugs in the units.
Today I played AOE 2 and when I relased AOE 4.
I want to play Now.
Im mainly a 1x1 PvP multiplayer player.
I want Beta Now.
Thanks to the developers for getting an invitation this weekend. 
what invitation ?
Many look forward for this game.
Especially for betatesting. not everyone will be included for the test but more will be added in the future I guess.
How are you buying now? It’s not available to pre-order yet (I will buy it too, just FYI). Also, it’s your money, and you don’t need to convince others, get influenced by others, or prevent others… you’re your own master.
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