Inca completely dead

Oh sorry, I don’t remember clear about Inca.

21 Then Bolas are fine now.

I think that still doesn’t fix the issue of conversion needing insane APM to be barely workable.

Conversion should be coded as an attack (which is something totally doable since Legacy btw) rather than an ability.

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Do they have a heavy inf tag in the current version of the game? That would explain why my hurraca still get utterly blown away by heavy cannons. I don’t see what is wrong with hurraca having high siege armor to resist cannon fire, since that is the unit it is supposedly suppose to hard counter.

Sorry that’s trolling from AK. 21

To be honest, the main problem to huaracas is their range. Their role is anti-art but don’t have longer range than artillery, this is wrong already, dev still nerfed their range in the last patch, this is wrong and wrong again.

It was hilarous when they had 300 of range haha

Whether they have heavy tag or not doesn’t affect there performance vs cannons because heavy cannons bonus is against all infantry. They currently don’t have heavy tag.

I am once again saying native american civs should lose the community plaza (and Asian civs should lose the religious focus)

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