Incas Buff -suggested as of incoming nerf is on the way, if possible please take a look and add anything you like devs-

This is actually a big nerf, not a buff.

About a potential trade speed bonus, I thought about it further and realized that trade carts that run as fast as a husbandry hussar for the whole team would be quite dumb.

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Online matches are usually 200-250 pop based. As Spirit of the law explained it, for every 200 farms it’s like you have 1 more farm due to the bonus.
This 1 farm will show results overtime. It’s useless.

No, it’s not. I used to think it was a nerf too.
The first 5 minutes you could get housed just like any civ (oh nooo).
But after that, you’ll have to build 2 farms according to basic builds. In feudal, you have 5(+25pop)~9 farms. In castle, you have 11~18 farms. In post imperial you have 40~ farms.
It’s the same bonus as 10 pop houses. The only difference is that you’ll keep your population until the very end, even if your enemies are destroying your city.

Or you could end up in the late game, run out of wood, run out of farms and not have enough to replace those farms with houses or give up on collecting the last bits of food and hope the enemy doesn’t destroy or convert those farms - or you have to suddenly relocate and the enemy easily destroys your farm houses in seconds where it would have taken the houses a bit longer to be destroyed - why would you trade the +10pop house for a base 5 farm that’s easily decimated?

If you get to the point there are no more trees in the map, you did something wrong as incas.
In arabia ofc.

I play defensively to the point that it does happen. On arabia.

Ok, my bad. Let’s forget about that farm bonus then.
For the sake of this convo, let’s agree to leave it as 10pop houses or revamp it to something else.

The team bonus must be changed tho.

Possible Team bonuses:

Infantry +5% movement speed

Eagles build-able in Barracks+ eagle upgrades

Monk type units gain +10% movement speed

Slinger available in Archery Range

Villagers + 4 Line of Sight

Farms + 13 line of sight

Houses + 2/1 Armor

Outposts +10/10 armor

+3/3 armor to pallisade and stone gates

Will make certain civs OP and speedy eagles will be too much.

Oh god no. They’ll have to nerf all infantry civs to balance this.

This could work. But idk.

Oh god no. They’ll have to nerf all archer and gunpowder civs to balance this.

Already a korean civ bonus (+3).

Useless. Farms are the heart of your city.

Devs have been nerfing walling…

Useless. Their purpose is to provide info through its large LoS, not to resist attacks.

Devs have been nerfing walling…

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That wasn’t really a good decision. Towers are the best counter to wallers, so now that walls have been nerfed to oblivion, we’re at round 2 of nerfing towers. (Towers got a nerf with the introduction of DE, and in the meantime, Koreans got nerfed to obvlivion, as a former tower civ, etc.)

With that being said, imho the best option for devs would be to backtrack on the planned inca nerf


If they still plan to nerf Feudal age Inca villagers, the best buff options I’ve heard so far are:

  • Give Inca’s Squires in Feudal and have it apply to villagers (Berber’s get faster moving villagers for free). This will let them run away from raids, without being significant for tower rushes.
  • Make Kamayuks available in barracks in Imperial Age. Inca eagles are the weakest. So, if Kamayuk’s are the Inca’s power unit, let them be available as equally as Paladins for cav civs.
  • Slight decrease in Eagle gold cost. Again, Inca eagles are the weakest. Also, meso civs don’t get fast trash units (like the Hussar). So, provide a slight gold discount for Inca eagles.
  • Improve the team bonus. As SotL and others have pointed out, faster building farms are insignificant. Maybe a free Llama for everyone when Inca’s advance to Feudal.

Sure thing, Inca eagles are the weakest in imp so let’s forget the Inca composition is the strongest at this time and doesn’t have glaring weaknesses unlike Mayan and Aztecs.

From all your propositions, only the first and last is good. Maybe even free Squires would be good for Incas. Not resource-wise, but will allow them to have faster Eagle- rush.

But still think free Eagles would be OK for them. Maybe even just Eagle Warior Upgrade.

Free Llama for all team-mates is too strong. Imagine free Llama for Britons or Tatars. Someone had idea of Carry Capacity for Farmers +1. Strong, but not OP bonus.

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Yes, free eagles or free eagle upgrade would be good. Same with carry capacity.

Free Llama is only 100 food and requires villager time to consume. It isn’t actually as awesome as it sounds at first, particularly as it is a one-time bonus and most build orders would cause players to ignore it.

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Incas need some kind of buff after removing the villager bonus from feudal.

In my opignion it should be a bonus that benefits them in the feudal age too.

Free eagle warrior upgrade would be just too good.

Why not cheaper Barracks?

or Free infantry armor upgrades for in all ages?

maybe remove infantry attack upgrades benefit for vils, keep only the armor upgrades.

It is still 7 sheep instead of 6. Player has more food, is less vulnerable to lame or gathering misplay, As team-bonus, it would stack with other bonuses, as I mention earlier.

Lets leave it for new Civs, for sure they would be Infantry Civs in the future.

If farms had 13 line of sight it would help by being a semi-counter to tower and castle drops
as well as generally knowing where a raiding unit is coming from

Houses +2/1 armor only somewhat buffs walling - no one only walls with houses in large stretching walls.
In other regards it helps, while having fewer houses for the enemy to destroy, by making those fewer houses more quality in defense. At least for incas - the team just gets beefy numerous houses

+3/3 armor on palisade gates and stone gates helps because gates are generally weak - to both melee and archer fire - or just drop a castle and watch it shred through stone. It’s not a buff to walling per say more so than it is a buff to the very lacking gates.

Giving outposts +10/10 armor helps to increase the staying power of said outposts - low hp, easily destroyed - increased to a decent level of tank where it’ll take a little more time to destroy and increase the likely hood the enemy would just ignore the tower

I like this very, very much. Unfortunately, I don’t think it’s going to happen.
Lately, I’m under the impression devs want aggressive games and early fights. That’s how pros use almost every civ after all. They’ve been actively nerfing defensiveness… nerfing towers since DE came out and now walling.
Free eagle upgrades for the weakest eagles out of the 3 is fair and promotes fights.

This is a solid option.

These are new civ material tho.

The armor is what makes their bonus strong, not attack
I would just get rid of the bonus, because villagers aren’t supposed to be warriors early.

Regarding the +1 carry capacity on farms - it may backfire if the villager finishes a part of the farm 1 below capacity - making them walk once more just for the extra 1 and then another walk beyond that just to drop it off.