I have seen all kinds of campaigns with incorrect tags like AI, UI, sound, movie, etc. It’s making the search with filter much more difficult (I want to check UI mods but a lot of campaigns mix in).
I’m curious if this is auto-generated while publishing in-game? @BassiAoC @PhillySouljah If so could it be fixed? @DodoNotDoDo (Sorry I don’t know who should be the point of contact for this issue)
These tags are auto-generated for sure. Since custom campaigns mostly come with custom AI, intro graphics and sounds, you will always get these tags.
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As soon as your campaign mod has a slide show (for the intros and outros) the User Interface tag is added.
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The mod authors can overwrite these via the web site, but if they republish via the game it may re-auto tag them.
Yeah this is the issue. Could you fix the auto-tag system? Otherwise we would have to publish through the website to avoid the mess
The simplest solution would be removing auto-tag.
I can add it as a request. They would then need to add in the ability for people to select their own tags, so a little more work. There may be other reasons for it I’m not aware of too. If I get any feedback, I’ll let you know.
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