Increase projectile speed of cannon galleon

Dromons are insane, let’s counteract this by buffing the cannon gallleon’s projectile speed. Thoughts?


I was gonna say, buff their projectile speed AND blast radius to be the same level of bombard cannon. Then I realize dromon has 3.5 speed and cannon galleon has 3. So having them both at 3.5 is perfectly fine to begin with.

Even Spanish cannon galleon is not broken.

Honestly If the dromon is considered too strong, I’d rather it’s building bonus dmg be reduced. I think it’s very flavorful we now have a water mangonel unit, and I think firstly it’s easier to balance the rarer unit by changing the rarer unit, instead of changing the more common correlate, and secondarily, I’d prefer if, even though the dromon and cannon galleon fill the same niche (destroy buildings) that they fill those roles more differently not less. So if the dromon needs a nerf, let it stay better against units and bunched up ships, but make it worse against buildings.

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Yep. That’s the first thing came into my mind after watching latest YouTube video of Hera. Make CG projectile as fast as BBC projectile.

Change Spanish CG projectile 3.6x faster bonus to CG 2x blast radius.