Incredibly fast gold generation in Babur scenario

:arrow_forward: GAME INFORMATION

  • GAME BUILD #: 101.102.24724.0 (#90260) 11771158
  • OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows 10

:arrow_forward: ISSUE EXPERIENCED

While playing Babur #2 (The Last Timurids) on Standard difficulty, at some point my gold gather rate became insanely fast, going up by about 25 gold every half a second (on Fast speed), without any gold miners. I didn’t notice when it started, but I believe it was after I researched Grand Trunk Road, garrisoned a relic and defeated one of the Uzbek enemies. It may be connected to the gold tribute mechanic in that scenario.

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Can confirm immense gold generation on Babur 2 (Standard Difficulty)!
There is a Scenario Trigger to send gold for each enemy building destroyed after you went to Herat (blue).
It must be somehow wrongly implemented. As soon as you destroy the first building, for example the green tower just north of “the elephant breeder” (grey), the gold starts to stream in constantly, instead of the intended behaviour of only sending some gold per building once. This (practically) infinite gold glitch makes the mission extremely unchallenging and boring, especially since it starts pretty early on in the mission.

Steps to reproduce:

Notice that it might even be sufficient to just clear the pallisade in front of the tower, or maybe even any other enemy building on the map (not yet tested).
Also not tested on different difficulties.

Game File:
INFINITEGOLD.aoe2spgame (1.1 MB)

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Thanks for reporting this issue with the campaign!

This issue is affecting standard difficulty. I already let the team know about it.