Instead of asking for more Unique Upgrades for units, we should ask for Regional Skins

Not this again. I already told you, it takes time to do this stuff. I’m still trying to pay AbeJin what I owe him so he can spend more time working on a set. Once I do that (and I’m close), we’ll both be able to devote more time to the set.

Since you are not creating it on your own and AbeJin whats never created anything for DE, there is no point of putting trust on you. However harsh it may sound, you have been saying the same thing over and over since a year and no progress. It’s just all words no work.

Suit yourself. However, know that I have seen working building models, including destruction animations, made by him in the style of DE. We are making progress, but it just isn’t much for now.

What kind of destruction is it? Does it contain weight? Wood and Cloth and Bricks break differently in DE. One cannot replicate this on SketchUp.

I am sure it will not be proper, no modder has done it yet.

I don’t know the technical details. All I know is that it does have individual segments breaking into pieces and falling to the ground.

I think modders just haven’t tried it yet, as according to AbeJin, modding in destruction animations is possible.

Please note my key word “proper”.
You may try very hard but you cannot match the devs without having their tools.

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True, but that won’t stop determined modders from trying their hardest.

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But why do you want to relieve the Developers of their responsibilities?

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Because I frankly don’t trust them to do the set justice. I have a specific vision of how the set should be made, and I think the devs would go in a different direction entirely.

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Get over it. No one cares about “your” vision.

Probably not, but I can still design the set and draw enough attention to it that the devs take notice. They’d probably appreciate someone else doing the work for once.

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Yet to see developers appreciate big mods. Two of the biggest for DE, Rome at War and Dharma Expansion haven’t seen any appreciation from developers. They are both years in making. Why will they appreciate you?

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Even if they don’t, I’ll at least have the mod for myself and anyone who wants it.


Yep some of us have been asking for this for year. I would like to hear some sort of official explanation from the devs as to what such a thing isn’t already implemented or being planned for. Is it a cost thing? Is it a gameplay thing? Why can’t we just allow for mods that change the skins client side and still allows for multiplayer gameplay with others without the mods?

I think this half ass measures like just giving a unique reskin to the final upgraded version of a unit (like Savar and Legionary) actually breaks immersion more as they seem visually inconsistent with the preceding units in the line and I really hope the devs don’t make a habit of introducing such units from here on. Roman infantary and Persian Cavalry should be unique from the first unit in the line up to the last. Things like Imperial skirmisher and Imperial camel I am ok with as those units look like natural upgrades to their preceding units. Similarly Winged Hussar for Poles is fine because it basically looks like a normal hussar anyway.

Its no longer 1997. We need the game to look more modern. All the other games in the franchise (except for AOE1) alreay have unique units for all the civs, its about time AOE2 was brought to that standard.


Yea creating these limited event mods are such a waste of resources. Imagine if they put that effort into actually creating regional skins.


Gotta clarify what you mean by this; honestly part of the charm of AOE 2 in my opinion is a lot of the options are available to a lot of civs, with small differences in bonuses and such to differentiate them. It also makes the game more accessible. I want the sprites to look region unique to an extent, but I still want the background units themselves to be the same (well before civ bonuses and techs and such). Basically i’d want this modification to be purely cosmetic.

None of that changes with regional skins…

Couldn’t have found a better term

I would have prefered if Winged Hussars were an upgrade on top of Hussars. The fact that they are upgraded Hussars in every aspect, but still skips the Hussars upgrade feel like the game is suggesting that Poles “didn’t have Hussars irl, they had Winged Hussars instead”. And that’s kind of the situation for every non eastern european civ. It’s basically breaking the abstraction of the unit.

This is precisely the core idea of this post.

I think the upgrade cost/time would be way too much then if they had to get another upgrade on top of the normal Hussar upgrade, and to justify that the unit would have to be waaay better too which would definitely be broken. Ofcourse a solution is to just change the base Hussar unit for every other civ and just give it another name.