Interesting things from the Immortal Pillars trailer

My guess is that it’s gonna be mid December at the latest and late October at the earliest.

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If you watch the scene in the teaser trailer very carefully, where you see all those units clash together, where you see the yurts and the giants, where the meelee siege weapons fight in the background, you see one of the myth units spit fire. And as far as I can see, it’s what’s often speculated, very confidently so, to be the Qilin.
Does that make sense?
I was told the Qilin is the Chinese equivalent to the unicorn. How much sense does it make to spit fire?

Very. The qilin is often depicted with sacred flames instead of hair. Which we see in the trailer.

While I do expect the Atlanteans to sail to America and encounter the Aztecs, I don’t expect them to do the same with China* and other places.

I just expect they using Ancient Uranos Passages to run from New Atlantis/Europe to a place like Hainan to make a new Atlantean colony and then comming into mainland China.

Edit: Fixed Egypt to China.

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Frankly I don’t believe the Qilin will be a unit. They are supposed to be so graceful that they would never harm anything. Their purpose in myth was not combat.

You think they reached Greece but not Egypt? How would that even work?

Or did you mean China not Egypt?

You literally see qilin in the trailer.

We don’t know the official name of the unit. It may look like a Qilin but there are other similar creatures. For example a Xiezhi.

Yeah, I mean China, as Skadidesu said he don’t think Atlanteans should sail to China as I agree and see them going with Uranos passages, not sailing.

How to Sky Passages work lore wise?
In the campaign you sail to Greece, then Egypt and Midgard, then back to Greece and then back to New Atlantis.
You only teleport from the Tundra to New Atlantis, then from Greece to the Olymp and at the end from New Atlantis to Old Atlantis.
How do they appear any why can’t they appear when they would have been super convenient to have?

The next Question is can they logically appear before and after the New Atlantis campaign?
Before the Titans were not strong enough yet, and after that they were locked away again, I guess.
Unless it’s only Gaia ruling over everything now, lol.

It’s generally a flaw of AoM that it’s hard to come up with a scenario that is not just a mirror match unless you use the wild card that is Atlanteans.
Like how would the Norse realistically make it to Egypt, or the other way round?

They canonically colonized Lemuria in the original game so I wouldn’t put China past their reach.

If my theory is right and the campaign really is about the Yellow Emperor, seeing as he lived 2000 years before the Trojan War, it would be ancient Atlanteans from before Fall of the Trident.

At the same time, they might just be Atlantean ruins in the underworld and no living Atlanteans show up in the campaign.

Thought that was removed so it’s to assume that this connection is not supposed to exist anymore.

I don’t think that dates actually matter at all.
I assume they want to keep all things close in the timeline and all characters alive at the same time so they can do crossovers more easily later.
Even if Chinese never go to Greece there could still be a connection though India and Mesopotamia.

We will see.

No idea, as The New Atlantis plot is so bad, nothing make sense really.

It’s worse than you describe. Kastor sail from new atlantis to Greece and when he arrives a Sky Passage appears on Greece so atlanteans can teleport from new atlantis to greece. Oranos ####### ## with Kastor for no reason lol (worse yet, Uranos make many others sky passages for kastor to find later)

Basically if you go by the campaign plot, Oranos simple decides to make a Sky Passage appears when he thinks it needs to appear and it leads to whatever place he thinks it needs to go, as we see how he can make a sky passage to mount olympus and somehow make that you can’t come back in the same sky passage (???)

The thing where they sail all over the world makes zero sense and it’s obvious it’s supposed to be the Atlanteans teleporting over the world, as if you Remember from the Cerberus mission, there is an evil faction of Atlanteans there before Amanra, Ajax and Kastor arrives on Egypt and they where Followers of Oranos, so they obviously arrived there by sky passages before our heroes. (it was retoconned in Retold to become Followers of Kronos)

I think so, as I suppose the Atlanteans split over the world (and not everyone was with Kryos and Kastor) so Oranos or Kronos can do the same shenanigans to convince the Atlanteans to workship them again.

Before Titans we can make an servant of Oranos (like the servant of kronos) doing the trickery and after Titans we can make some Atlanteans that still insist to workship the titans.

I hope the “good” Atlantean faction workship Gaia now. (the ones that Kastor is leader now)

Only by a “Mercenary” faction working for a villain, really.

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That can somehow be explained by the god having more power when his followers are nearby or something like that.

God generally make logical stories hard.
Why can the gods only help Arkantos defeat Kronos after he collects favour and goes out and scouts the area before casting a god power.
Like aren’t the gods supposed to be powerful and isn’t it in their best interest to stop Gargarensis?

Maybe, maybe not?
But I’d still assume they wouldn’t sail to the other side of the planet and instead only spread around the Atlantic.
Also generally the question is what happened to the Atlantean colonies when Atlantis sank?

I wonder if the current devs have the old scripts and internal documentation about the scrapped parts of the campaign.

I’d assume so.
Though the campaign kinda portraits Oranos as more of a neutral instead of evil god now.

Still the end explicitly shows Gaia healing Atlantis and saying that she is helping to rebuild Atlantis, so I’d assume they worship her now.

We’ll she if we see any none Chinese units, buildings or even whole players in the campaign at all.

Would be hard to make the old heroes fit into this setting.

Helios can teleport your units, they have sky passages; Atlanteans being anywhere in the world is not an issue.

There are probably some limitations to those abilities lore wise.
You wouldn’t expect Shifting Sands to teleport your units to another continent either, right?
Underworld Passage is also not supposed to be a teleporter but more like a tunnel that gives you a shortcut. Would be strange if that would bring you instantly from Greece to China for example.

So does Uranos need to be worshipped in a place for there to be a working Sky Passage?

How far does Vortex carry your troops?

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In the Lore, sky passages did appear, in places convenient for “Krios’” plan, for the Atlanteans to just stumble upon. While we can build them, we have canonically limited control over where they are and where they lead. Even if that’s not the case ingame.

The fact that it makes so convenient, allowing atlantean armies to basically teleport across continents like it’s nothing, exactly to the places they need to be, when they need to be there, is basically another hint that this is all staged by “Krios” the servant of Kronos. But since he’s the servant of Kronos, why does he get to controll Uranos sky passages, rather than some Kronos ability?
That’s something that doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.


It could simply be because they had not decided which god would get what bonus when they started making the campaign.
Maybe the Sky Passage was originally available to all Atlantean Major Gods.

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