They have some strong builds and timings but I never actually find myself like “wow that was a really fun and rewarding game.” idk the civ just feels boring to me, it doesn’t even feel like you’re playing as the Five Nations when you pick them, it just feels like a watered down gimped euro civ that can’t get arty in age3, and has a community plaza(the plaza/firepit has NEVER been an interesting mechanic, change my mind, at least not interesting enough to be the single defining feature of the WarChiefs civ culture)
It doesn’t help that the most fun part about the civ got nerfed, the explorer falc shot, which tbf was pretty strong
That was a good game for the Hauds, even with many otto cav there, I still think a sneak attack of 5-10 rams could snipe the factory or two, considering if the cav leave the bombard, the bombard will not be as protected from the light cannon
Mostly argree with everything there, except light cannons have terribad splash, and forest prowlers aren’t as good as they used ti be,
They also really need to use the Plaza, you skip coin early on because what you really need instead of coin is villagers on the Plaza. You need the Plaza for Travois, and crate/manlet shipments (XP Tricke), pop dance just basically pays for itself so you can have max villiagers on Plaza.
They do have terrible splash but their lack of pack/unpack animations makes them significantly easier to micro and allows them to trade blows with culverins while dominating every other artillery engagement. They also cost 4 pop, so easier to mass them.
They are still very capable skirmishers and will dominate most engagements due to their range.
I think the only native american civ that can realistically skip the plaza in the beginning are Lakota. But yeah, you really need to macro up with those travois, which isn’t exactly easy to do. They do save a lot of wood on this though.
But overall the macro requirements for hauds are above the average civ, among the highest in the game if not the very highest.
But the overall lack of splash hurts, if Manlets got a splash upgrade even with a 0.5 raidus I wouldn’t be so disapointed with Hauds, there are times when you just need splash unless you’re Lakota (no need for splash with Tokala and RR),
This would be interesting to test out in a PUP or something, but I have a feeling it would make mantlets OP. I do not rule out that it may work though.
They have light canons. They do have splash damage
Lakota need a splash range unit tho. Tokala arent spammable and RRs are countered by skirmishers. And COUNTERING SKIRMS AT MELEE DOESNT WORK (Aztec and India are proof of that)
Grenade charge abilities are annoying af,aybe the only one kinda balanced are Malta due to evereything else being lacking.
I would give the Tokala aoe damage in industrial. they are tricky to mass anyways and I rarely find them useful outside of timing pushes with cards/big button spawning them.
The [Tashunke Prowler] could be redesigned into a ranged heavy cavalry unit, where they will throw fiery projectiles that will cause splash damage. They can be changed so that they will work similar to the Argentine [Mounted Granadero] as suggested by @AnaWinters.
Their train limit can be removed as well. But in order to make it so that they have no train limit, then their ability to strengthen each other needs be adjusted. Maybe it can be changed so that they can only strengthen themselves to a fixed amount when a certain number of them are together and where additional tashunke prowlers won’t lead to further strengthening.
Split them into two units - The Itkunyan Rider (Arson Rider) would throw mining grenades like a Mounted Grenadero, but be turned into a normal-ish siege trooper heavy cavalry unit.
And then the other half would be the Miwatani, a really bizarre Akichita-type group who followed Hihan-Kaga, or Owl-Maker. They could also be called Owl Soldiers, but Miwatani is more interesting.
They would wield stone clubs (pictured) as their initial weapon, giving them an AoE attack. They would have limited numbers, be of mixed gender (male and female models/voices) and take on the Tashunke Prowler’s AoE attack and pack bonus, up to 16, but with no way to increase this number. This is because the Miwatani numbers were restricted, and their leadership never passed 16 members.
Upon upgrading, they would wield bisonhorn clubs (latter image).
This could work by reworking the Tashunke Prowler, as far as I know their role is too limited unless have max number in current patch. Without number, axe rider is better used in most cases.
Sounds like an interesting idea. Perhaps these Miwatani or Owl Soldier units could be trained by the Lakota War Chief, while the Itkunyan Rider will be trained from the [Corral] where they will replace the previous unit slot of the [Tashunke Prowler] just to save some space in the building.
When you say “mining grenades” do you then mean that the Itkunyan Rider are going to throw dynamite sticks or grenades that are identical in appearance as those thrown by the [Mounted Granadero]?