excluding holidays, still at least close to 14 business days since they released the “hotfix” which simply reverse the crash they introduced but made pathing worse. vills constantly stopping just from walking, mining, and entire group of units suddenly stops moving etc
when will this come
Before releasing any other DLC or even balancing civs, the priority should be pathfinding.
Those who balance civs arethe same ones who work on pathing? I dont think so
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Always had been.
It is always time for a patch to fix pathing.
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We already have a thread on this topic.
just gotta keep reminding them. pathing so horrid
There is major tournament happening so I doubt they release anything until it’s over. Between NAC5 ending and HC5 starting is probably when you’ll see a patch.
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yep thats always a sadge. how far in is NAC5 right now?
NAC5 is currently on the quarter finals. It’ll be over this Sunday, the 14th. I would imagine we get something on PUP by the end of the month, but who knows.
usually they dont release PUP for awhile even if its out. imo they should have it now so soon as it finish we can get a patch (asusming it fixes anything)