It is absurd how strong this holland is

Inca destroys Artillery with Huaracas and Chimu Runners.
Aztec also has Coyote Runners and Skull Knights, which are good vs Artillery.

Stealthed Chimus and Coyotes were designed specifically to attack Artillery.

In fact, in this case, only the Lakotas are very effective, we are talking about at least 5 falconets as a minimum. In the case of the haud, they only have the musket rider and the melee kanya, the field cannon does not count because it is in industrial, an FI with haud against dutch I find it half suicidal …
The Incas have chimus and huaracas, unfortunately, the chimus cannot arrive because of the mass of ruyters and the huaracas have very little distance, so you have to know how to micre them very well so that they do not die. Finally, the Aztecs, the coyotes are the same as the chimus, and the arrow knights are the only thing they have, because unlike a huaraca, they have much more distance. That is why I maintain that it is difficult to destroy Dutch art, if you protect it well with rutyers (which are very easily kneaded) it is really difficult to destroy it with a native civ. If I were a European or Asian, I would just pull out artillery and voila!

Dutch have no effective counter for chimu runners. Even if you stop their first wave, they will trade better with ruyters.


Dutch are top tier in team, but pretty average in 1v. Even with the improvements made recently. I don’t think they need to be nerfed.


I read this as “how extremely strong Tom Holland is”


And honestly, yeah true.

So sorry I’ll see myself out.


Okay, i will not count Hauds here, since i dont play them, and i dont have the expertise to counter your argument. However, Hauds can rush effectively so in a 1vs1 scenario i dont know if a medium dutch player can survive. But not the point, lets move on.

Aztec in the 3rd age can make only 2 units and its fine. Eagle Runner knights and Arrow Knights. (dont suicide coyotes vs ruyters nor waste skull knights vs art.).
Even 6 unupgraded arrow knights will trade very very effectively vs falcs due to long long range. If they pull out ruyters, you have your eagle runners that actually are WAY better than Ruyters, and can trade very effectively vs skirms.
(However your game plan in a 1vs1 with azzys vs dutch is to all in rush… if done correctly they are so crippled that they wont be able to put any falcs on the table, and you can either continue the push with age II units, or advance and make arrows and eagle runners and simply destroy their bases from affar.

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Sure, most of the time it is super recommended to try to rush, but most of the Dutch I play against (elo 1400+) have the militia shipment added to their deck, with a single shot of the TC kills any unit infantry. The Dutch, if you add that they have banks and skirm in colonial, have a pretty solid defense. A good, well-executed rush is the answer, but if it fails, it is automatic gg, there is no chance of keeping up with a Dutchman who reaches fortresses and manages to quickly masse the banks and their shipments.
I’m not suggesting weakening the Dutch in general, but it would be nice to somehow balance their midgame, I find it quite powerful against native or rush-reliant civs.