It's not over. AoE4 can still become the best AoE game and keep growing. Here's how

It seems fine to me…obviously I think they will include the Persians at some point, either as a main civ or as a variant civ…

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This is a good scheme. The only suggestion, I would swap Ilkhanate / Golden Horde with Timurid dynasty.

Because Ilkhanate started as a Turco-Mongol state that slowly adopted Persian civilization. Golden Horde was Turkic always.

Timur was completely different, he very much entirely adopted Persian civilization, culture, arts, government, architecture, everything almost from the start and officially declared himself Emperor of Iran and payed for a grand expansion of Persian buildings. He asserted dominance over the Mongols too.


  1. Dark Age: Sassanid Empire

  2. Feudal Age: Samanid & Saffarid Dynasty

  3. Castle Age: Ilkhanate & Timurid Dynasty

  4. Imperial Age: Great Safavid Empire

You’re back?

Well something on those lines should work just fine. I suppose it’s just a matter of time and we’ll get them. The Persian just received some love in AoE2, with rather interesting changes. They were too dependent on the “European” paladin.

Took waaaay too long. Far from enough to win back the community’s trust.

AoE4 can’t afford to exclude the real big civilization and add “HRE 2” instead. Already paying the price for its mistakes.

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Yes, I agree, perhaps the Safavid Empire would last until 1576, because then there would be 10 years of instability until Abbas I came to power, who would be the Persian leader in AoE 3…