Light infantry should be able to beat heavy infantry, equal resources wise, in a ranged shootout. Jungle bowman is the only inca unit that supposedly counter musketeers (which is a unit every one loves, 90% of army at lower level is musketeer)
Obviously with hit and run light infantry should beat heavy infantry, because of longer range, ### ##### # #### counter to heavy infantry, light infantry should beat heavy infantry even without running. Heavy infantry beat heavy cav very hard, and heavy cav counters light infantry very hard, they don’t even have a chance. While light infantry is only a soft counter to heavy infantry, this makes musk+hussar combo so strong, especially after the reduced multiplier light infantry has on cavs.
Jungle bows are an extreme. They are not even a soft counter to musketeer. They costs about the same as a musketeer, but equal number shootout musketeers win with a big portion of hp left. They only start to counter after sending age 3 multiplier card.
Jungle bows 90hp, 20%RR, 15x1.75 damage plus 3 poison
Need 6 shots to kill musketeer
Musketeer 150 hp, no RR, 23 damage
Need 5 shots to kill jungle bowman
You are forced to micro very hard while escape from cannon shots (which inca strugglea lot against). Jungle bowman is not the easiest unit to micro either, with only 16 range and a shooting animation. So when jungle bowman stand there and shoot, it is easy for musketeer to catch up that 4 tile distance, especially fast musketeers like ashigaru/carolean
Jungle bow player has to micro much harder than musk huss falc player. This is imbalance because different amounts of skills required for an even trade.
Jungle bow outrange musketeer by 4, while falconet outrange jungle bow by 10. You inca player never take a good trade.
In comparison, skirmishers outrange musketeer by 8, and outranged by falconet by only 6, and has a better animation. Other 16 range archers are stronger in combat to compensate for the shorter range, like strelet, chu ko nu, cetan/aenna, those guys will wreck musketeer in face to face shooting. Only jungle bowman is weak and at the same time short ranged.