Just a small cuman buff idea

Equalizer is that you?

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Who is equalizer?! (20 char)

Im not talking about a team bonus, just a civ bonus.

Right, that was an oversight of me. 30/70 would be an overall buff of the bonus, 33/50 would be the same and therefore more appropriate.

LOL I dont know why I thought it was TB, I am sorry

but yeah I would just remove the whole Steppe Husbandry bonus as is and give them something decent instead

He was a troll who made shit balance suggestions.

Am I the only one that misses Equalizer?

Probably (20 characters)

I wish he would come back.

he can’t. he is banned. he tried to come back and got banned again.

I wish he would be unbanned, he only made one troll thread after all.

Goths are safe now. Where did he go btw?

I think your idea affects the 2TC boom, scouts/light cav can be really useful against monk siege push that are the counter to the boom, so they can set up a farming eco while the opponent is going FC and then poop out scout fast to counter the push and retake map control or even counter attack. I’m not a fan tbh.

In general I’m heavily against buffing cumans without changing their 2TC boom mechanics. I think those buffing suggestion are based on their crappy winrates, that are kinda useless to judge cumans, since they don’t actually tell how many times cuman players actually attempted the 2TC boom and their winrate for each strategy.

In general I’m not sure at all that their feudal boom is actually unviable, the last time i saw extensive use of that strategy in a tournament (KOTD3 several months ago) it had decent success, and kotd3 arabia was way more aggressive than ladder arabia, but also kipchak nerf happend since then so it’s hard to say how that decent viability translates in the ladder nowadays. What I see happening in my experience in the ladder is that when me or my opponent get cumans, we generally get them random and don’t even attempt 2nd TC in feudal, in my case because going for that strategy leads to annoying games where I must defend and micro like a mad man for 25-30 minutes.

My feeling is that the civ needs to be completely redesigned starting from the removal of the 2nd TC in feudal, not just straight up buffed.

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