Nice wikipedia copy/paste.
But you know what? I actually made the effort to read the sources from all the american civ suggetions posted here and on reddit because I used to be against them and wanted to counter-argument them:
Which leads to this thing: ignorance is being blind, but keeping yourself ignorant on purpose is just dumb.
With new info, people change opinions.
For example:
Kinda funny how you nitpick that part, when right below there is this:
“The political relationship between the Wari and Tiwanaku has been compared by archaeologist Joyce Marcus to that of the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War: the two empires did not go to war with one another for fear of mutual destruction. The two empires met at Moquegua, where the Wari and Tiwanaku populations co-existed without conflicts.”
Wari Empire - Wikipedia
Once again, kinda funny how you copy/paste this wikipedia quote about archeologist groups clashing their opinions and suggesting if they should use a term or not, when the unesco officially labels tiwanaku as an empire.
Tiwanaku: Spiritual and Political Centre of the Tiwanaku Culture - UNESCO World Heritage Centre
Sure, the terms may change overtime as more studies in the field progress, but should I remind you that the term empire (imperium) was initially used for Rome only academically. In contrast to how small principalities and duchies used to call themselves empires just to increase their political importance.
Once again, it boils down to opinions. Walter Alva considers Moche is the first phase and Chimu is the second phase. They are the same polity, just in different periods of time.
The legendary John Rowe went even beyond that and said both are the same empire that just changed their art and cultural expressions after fighting the Wari empire. Even pointing out parallelisms with the Roman empire, and saying Chimor was closer to the Roman empire than the Carolingian empire.
You really like wikipedia, huh? It tells me that you just went over there and copied whatever fits your narrative. Instead of trying to cross check the info; or trying to read the rest of the article at least. For example, that part was making the point that the chankas appeared AFTER the Wari empire, and obviously were a step backwards in development.
" Chanka Andahuaylas were close relatives of the other tribes that inhabited the province of ######### and as a nation were strengthened after the decline of the Wari expansion. According to Sarmiento de Gamboa, the Chanca territory was divided into three groups, known as Hanan Chanca (Parkos, Ayllus del Ancoyaco), Urin Chanka (Uranmarca, Andahuaylas) and villca or Rukanas (Vilcas). The Chanka nation was composed of the Ancoyaco, Andahuayla, Rucana and Sora tribes."
Chanka - Wikipedia
I mean, the article was trying to compare the kingdom to the previous empire that ruled the area. Of course it’s going to be less than the predecessor.
Well, no. So what? Vlachs weren’t unified people either. And if you want to count the most relevant polities, you only have the romanian kingdom, the principality of Moldavia, the principality of Wallachia. So they are even in a worse spot than Diaguitas.
And if we count them ETHNICALLY, then both diaguitas and vlachs are about the same in size and rule time. So what’s the point you are trying to make?
Yes, that’s literally what an empire is.
Once again, what’s the point you are trying to make?