Known Issue: Translation & Localization (Italian Language - Lingua Italiana)

Errata corrige: in Location: Pachacuti campaign, scenario “Il campo del falco”, I meant the fourth scenario “La tenda del falco”.

Other bugs:

Location: Gengis Khan campaign, scenario "Verso occidente"
In the initial presentation and in scenario instructions, Khwarazm is named Corasmia, but player name is Khwarazm. They should be the same.

Location: Gengis Khan campaign, scenario "Promessa"

  • In the third slide of the initial presentation, text is “[…] mangeranno il cibo più buono […]”, while audio is “mangeranno la carne più buona”. They should be the same.
  • In the third slide of the initial presentation, text is “La tempesta non è ancora passata, sento il rumore dei fulmini e colpiscono la Polonia”, while audio is “La tempesta non è ancora finita, sento ancora i tuoni, e i fulmini indicano la Polonia”. They should be the same.
  • In the Scouts tab, the germans are named “Tedeschi”, but player name is “Germani”. They should be the same.

Location: Tamerlano campaign, fourth scenario "Sultano dell’Industan"

  • In the first slide of the initial presentation, text is “Ascoltare le storie di questo straniero ci aveva fatto venire appetito, così iniziammo il banchetto”, while audio is “Ascoltare le voci di questo straniero ci aveva fatto venire appetito, così iniziammo il banchetto”. They should be the same.
  • In-game, the string “XX:YY minutes until your supplies run out” is untranslated. It should be “XX:YY minuti all’esaurimento dei tuoi rifornimenti”.

Location: Montezuma campaign, second scenario "La triplice alleanza"

  • In the Hints section, last sentence is “Fai attenzione alle navi da guerra delle forze di Tlaxcalan”, it should be “di Tlaxcala”.
  • In the Scouts section, the second sentence is “I guerrieri di Tlacopan addestrano spadaccini e guerrieri aquila, mentre quelli di Texcoco addestrano unità arcieri e mangani” should be “L’esercito di Tlacopan è formato da spadaccini e guerrieri aquila, mentre quello di Texcoco da arcieri e mangani”.
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Build: 101.101.35584.0 4714640
Platform: Steam

Suryavarman campaign, fourth scenario “Sfidare la talassocrazia”:

  • Fourth slide of initial presentation: audio and text are “lanciare una devastante e anfibia invasione”, they should be "lanciare una devastante invasione anfibia ".
  • First sentence of “Objectives” section: “popolazione di 200” should be “popolazione di 200 unità”.
  • Fourth sentence of “Hints” section: “risorse minerali” should be “risorse minerarie”.
  • First sentence of “Scouts” section: “Gonfo” should be “Golfo”.

"Giovanna d’Arco" campaign, fourth scenario “La sollevazione":

The city of Rheims is named “Reims” in “Objectives” section (“Distruggi il centro città di Reims”) and “Scouts” section (first and last sentence), but the player name is “Rheims”. They should be the same (in Italian it’s “Reims”).

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Huge thanks for listing out all of these issues, everyone! Special shout-out to @AceCard32543944 for putting in so much work to find and include suggestions about how to fix the translations. I’ve written all of these issues up for investigation by our QA team!

Thanks again!

As a note, I’m going to close out this thread now that we have everything written-up, but PLEASE do not let that stop you from submitting translation issues here in the bug category! Be sure to include the following information if you continue to see issues in the game that were not listed here:

  • The build number
  • The place where the issue can be found in-game
  • The text line (or “string”) in question
  • The English string (if possible)
  • The suggested change

I will continue to escalate this information to the team for review, and appreciate all of you help noting these issues! :heart:

Happy hunting!

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