Lakota was one of the fun and cheesy civ in game . It was never strong , but fun .
Now it’s unplayable . It beat Aztec to be the weakest civ in game .
Recent massive nerds to Lakota
1 .
eco nerf = they nerf two huntings card , they nerf Mustang , they bison shipment . And in return what Lakota get ??
A benifit of 12.5% near tepees (((( i don’t know if it’s bug or not , but that 12.5% is not a aura , it’s a tech which act on base stat , not on final stat like any other aura )))
So it’s its basically a little better version of economic theory card , its no where close to compensate for other economic nerfs . Also during boom u can’t put tepee outside circle , so many of ur vill will not be get boost from this .
Earlier u used to boom like 1900-2000 , after changes , boom is like 1800- 1900 .
P.s. don’t forget that Lakota has worst economy in game , no gathering cards for estate or farms ( just one card for each ) . And Lakota has only 74 vill gathering at Max after boom , as u need 25 bills on firepit always or ur explorer is useless .
- Lakota in past had good military if u playing vs some low skill player ((who don’t make walls and mortors behind walls )). Who let u stack teepeees .
But even for low skill players it was easily counterable by making Lakota fight at multiple sides , u can’t stack teppess at multiple site and u just lose as Lakota .
Only win condition for Lakota was in past that trade units better in fight to compensate for worst eco in game .
Now —
With tepper not stacking ur units are no where stronger than units of other civ , u can’t trade much effectively now
So basically worst eco with average units .
How r u supposed to win a game ???