Let’s create tweet materials for our beloved official communication team

As can be seen, our communication team is too shorthanded to say anything about AOE3 for quite a while. So let’s work together and create/compile memes and promotional materials so they can directly copy paste to the official twitter!

Let us of course begin with:

January 23, 1795: Hussars captured a fleet of 14 warships frozen at anchor, a rare and bizarre instance in history where cavalry overcame a naval force… Unless you’ve been playing Age of Empires.

Credit to @ResultedRex9901

Feel free to write whatever you think is worth showcasing about the game.


Update 14.43676 of #AgeofEmpiresIIIDE introduces the long-requested unique upgraded models for all shared European units! We’ve worked hard to address the demands from the community and create authentic models based on their historical looks. Now your redcoats really wear red coats! Which one is your favorite? How would you utilize them to re-enact historical events? Find out more at Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition - Update 14.43676 - Age of Empires - World's Edge Studio

Update 13.12327 of #AgeofEmpiresIIIDE gives more accurate (and awesome) new looks to the Lakota tokala soldier and the Cheyenne rider!

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This obviously looks a lot better and suits the time period of aoe2.

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I know it’s late but can the company at least give a nod to the AOE3 developers who made the massive revolution reworks and RG model reworks?

Like how you could talk incessantly about the civ name changes, new god portraits, two monsters, etc etc etc for the other games. These must be much fewer efforts than the aforementioned reworks.

The developers deserve acknowledgement for their great work. I don’t even believe I need to remind you of that.

Screenshots from this user:

submitted by Athenswarriors (reddit.com)


Fujinomiya, Japan

Behold! The horde of Genghis Khan approaches

(aoe2 iconic campaign)


That’s AOE2, so they would be able to tweet it :smirk: