- Rise (or equivalent) of somebody
- Lords (or equivalent) of somewhere
- Anything more creative
it will be “Captains of Cape Capybara”
mark my words
“Unions of the North” or “Unions of Europe” for Poland Lithuanian Commonwealth and Norway/Denmark
Age of Empires III Definitive Edition: Anything More Creative - coming soon 2024
Kings of the Baltic Sea
“Age of Revolts” with Civs-Nation that acquired indepedence or formulated after some of the empires declined or changed.
Lords of the Kings of the Conquerors
“Kings of the Baltic”
Heart of the Silk Road
it should be the new Taunt too
AoE3:DE: A New Hope
AOE3 DE: Fall of the Lamers
AOE3 DE: L’empire contre-attaque :o
Yeah , revolution ,totally hit my zone
Princes of Persia, of course
It will be “Rise of the Lords”!
Vous avez dit Rise of Legends ? :o
Age of Empires 3: The Last Jedediah