Hellooooooo people, i made a nice list about all useless UTs and some suggestions about changing them, i hope you will find it usefull and lets discuss about it, i want to read your opinions.
Huns (Atheism)
Atheism give +100 years for wonders and relics and 50% discount on treason.
My suggestion to change it to:
Enemy Relics generate gold 25% slower, enemy monks regain their faith 50% slower.
Mongols ( Nomads)
Nomads give you (lost houses do not decrease pop headroom).
My suggestion to change it to:
Nomads give you 150 pop headroom (or full pop head room).
Saracens (Madrasah)
Madrasah give you (Monks return 33% of their cost when killed).
My suggestion to change it to:
Monks cost (40 food, 40 gold) or—> 35% cheaper or Mamelukes and Monks 25% cheaper gold cost.
Incas (Andean Sling)
Andean sling give you no minimum range to skirms and slingers).
My suggestion to change it to:
Andean give you +1/+1 range/attack for slingers and skirms or—> spearmen line get +1 range.
Burmese (Howdah)
Howdah gives battle elphants (+1/+1P armor).
My suggestion to change it to:
Arambai +30% more accuracy or battle elephants and Arambai (+1/+1P armor).
Byzantines (Greek fire)
Greek fire gives fire ships +1 range.
My suggestion to change it to:
Stable units have 30 hp or +1/+1P armor
Celts (Stronghold)
Stronghold gives castle +25% fire faster.
My suggestion to change it to:
Woad raider -20 food.
Chinese (Great wall)
Great wall gives walls and towers +30% HP.
My suggestion to change it to:
Just add castles to walls and towers so castle too will get +30% HP.
Cumans (Cumans Mercenaries)
Cumans Mercenaries gives your team 10 free Elite Kipchaks
My suggestion to change it to:
Cumans Mercenaries gives your team 10 free Elite Kipchaks and Kipchaks get +1/+1 range/attack.
Indians (Shatagni)
Shatagni gives HC +1 range.
My suggestion to change it to:
Shatagni gives HC and Elephant archer +1/+1 range/attack.
Italians (Silk road)
Silk road gives you 50% discount on trade units.
My suggestion to change it to:
Genoese Xbows get +15 HP.
Lithuanians (Hill Forts)
Hill forts gives your TC +3 range.
My suggestion to change it to:
Castles have +1 range; TCs have +3 or—> relics generate gold 15% faster.
Slavs (Orthodoxy)
Orthodoxy gives your monks (+3/+3P armor).
My suggestion to change it to:
Boyars and Monks 15% cheaper gold cost.