List of quality of life improvements to the game

-When pausing the game only who paused must have the ability to unpause immediately, and unlock this in 15 or 20 seconds for others in the game. (with the posibility to rejoin this will be great in tg)

-Ability to create a party and explore different menus. Maintain the party after a game.


About hotkeys, you can also add:

  1. Select all lumberjacks, mining camps, and mills.
    This is necessary to not jump over the screen to select these buildings.
    It’s ridicilous that all buildings have this hotkey except these the most frequently using buildings.

  2. Add hotkey for garison units in buildings.
    Now we using right click on each building. For example, you have 10 stables and you want to mass units or don’t show them, and you should 10 times right click buildings to garison units.

About gameplay:

  1. Would be nice to set a rally point while building is under construction.
  2. Make a visible line from building to the rally point, to understand the route from those buildings.
  3. Automatically bring relic with monk to monastery with holding alt or shift. Makes it a little more comfortable to take relics, with no need to click shift+monastery, just click on relic.
  4. Ignore attacking buildings by using patrol? Except rams obviously. The fights will be more correct, with no one attacking the buildings. Yeah, and hussars will no more raid farms instead of farmers.
  5. Revive attack move command. We need instant response for archers units, to attack units with distribute damage on them. Now it’s don’t work.
  6. Put rams into aggressive stance by default. What the hell are they in a defensive stance?? What are they defend? After killing the building they just stay and chill, you need to change it manually to agressive stance.

Why not take full advantage of CaptureAge and put them in the game? The problem of CA is that it has pretty bad graphics. And you should pay for reversing replay.

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It might be an engine problem

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New suggestion: Players can flag one Dock as the return destination for Trade Cogs to avoid shorter trade routes to other Docks e.g. built for military production

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consider adding to the list:

  • an adjustment to the follow function, art of war I believe instructs you to use it to push deer but after your scout approaches the deer the very first time he stays 3 (ish) tiles away and the deer (and scout) doesn’t move at all. Having the scout follow closer would solve the issue. And before anyone claims its oversimplifying the game (auto auto everything) pushing deer is this button’s original function (I think? I can’t thing of anything else it would be intended for). Currently the follow button is just a worse version of the defend button.
  • Sometimes when pushing deer they become extra skittish and start dashing super far and all over the place. I’m not sure if this is a bug or intended but it should be removed for consistency I think, I can’t imagine what purpose it serves.
  • adjusting villagers luring boar: Every once in a while you hit the boar and start moving back to tc instantly but the boar doesn’t follow because you left its line of sight (with no obstacles in the way). I’m not sure why this happens but I imagine its either because the boar’s line of sight is slightly less than the villager’s range, or they’re equal but the boar just happens to be walking away from the villager while the arrow is mid air. Possible changes to make luring more consistent could be increasing the boars line of sight (makes laming easier) or decreasing villager range (makes luring harder ever so slightly and is likely the best solution). Maybe boar’s line of sight can be increased for villagers only (is that even possible?).

These aren’t the biggest issues in the game but would be nice to have more consistent behavior.


These are the Issues I encountered while playing with my new to the game friends:

  • Dock has a 2nd page
  • Galley upgrade upgrades fire rafts
  • Didn’t know about auto scout

Based on that, I think maybe its time to either split up the Dock into 2 buildings, military and economy or just abandon the 2nd page and make the box wider, its not 1999 anymore there is enough screen estate to fit both tabs in the screen. Also I think the galley upgrade should be renamed to Ship upgrade or have it researchable on both pages so its clearer it helps more than just galleys.


an option to remove paging on the dock sounds like a good idea tbh


What’s the purpose of selecting more of them at once? To save one click for the 1 game out of 10 where you research both minings techs at the same time?

Afaik there are no fixed routes. Units that pop out will deternine their own routes depending on the objects on the way at the point of being released from building.

Yeah that’s really needed. Sometimes even if units are in their line of sight your units will atk some random house next to them.

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selecting more than one doesn’t move the camera. so yuo can queue the tech without looking away from your army


Have you never played another RTS? Company of heroes already has this and people will still quit when their team is too stubborn to give up

The difference being that at least in company, your civ is taken over by AI so it isn’t an auto loss
 But let’s put all the blame on the players instead of asking the Devs to do better (don’t forget the matchmaking causing early quitting as well)

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Okay makes sense but if that’s so important you can just put one camp each on a control group for feudal and early castle age, right?

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yeah, there are other solutions, but it could be an easy thing to add for the devs

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Good idea

I added these to the list.

Units already prefer attacking units to buildings unless they are not in their line of sight. maybe there’s a bug.

Good point

Added that to the list

This might create a problem and laming other players can become easier

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I don’t think i like this as it takes away decision making. which monastry does the monk pick, how does he go there. i think manually controlling the monks for this is a good thing

really like most of the other suggestions

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I wouldnt say it removes decision making as 90% of the time you just want the monk to go to the relic and straight back to the same monestry he came from and this just removes a click. In the event you wanted something more specific from your monk (take a safe roundabout rout to avoid enemy, send relic to lith ally, etc.) You’re still free to issue those commands when he comes out of the monestry as you previously would.

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I already made a whole topic requesting this. Basically the gist of it is, you need to have a select all so the screen doesn’t jump, and using hotkeys isn’t an option, because it basically requires you to sacrifice three hotkeys, and if you’re like me, using anything outside of 1-5 becomes quite inefficient, and not something I’m willing to do usually.


Units should basically NEVER auto-attack farms, independent of the command-type (none, attack, patrol, guard
). Or is there a situation where this makes sense gameplay-wise? I can’t think of one. It’s frustrating if units begin attacking farms instead of enemy units or production buildings. Perhaps this could be done by excluding farms completely from the target searching AI routines, or by assigning such a low priority to them that units basically always find something better to attack.
And yes, the attack command has huge issues now and should be fixed soon. I think all commands should have the same amount of delay (if any), preferably a low one.

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Make allies markets visible on minimap.

Change the minimap mode to economic if you want to see markets and stuff like that.