Long swordsman tech buff

This happens in many strategy games.

The result is to buff the loser in different aspects. Usually the type of unit you are referring to is cheaper and quicker to mass and cheaper/easier to tech.

Yet in AOE conversely its literally harder and more expensive to tech(i didnt mention the kt earlier because its absurd how big the tech gap is, but i will address it now). And the unit itself is not cheap enough to validate it’s extremely narrow power utility.

In other strategy games you balance something like a knight (eg siege tank in starcraft) with either a special building and/or a tech that needs to be researched before that unit becomes available/usable to that powerful extent.

Not “oh you reached the right age you can insta train mr meta unit, while mr junk over there still needs a tech”

I still think this is the best idea by far. Will also add a whole new dynamic to play.

Even +0.5 speed would be great.(+0.1 preferably)

And with +3 dmg vs trash they will decimate trash. Just a rough example opponent makes siege + pike vs Franks. Frank switch to LS and if they can micro well enough they will decimate the pikes.

I can’t imagine how great Burmese sword line will be. But it also solves the existing conundrum of how to get them to play something more often other than arambai…

It makes goths even more viable.

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If the LS tech was free from castle age we wouldn’t need additional bonus damage at all. I would suggest trying free tech first and then waiting to see if further buffs are needed, because free tech solves other problems. In your example unless you have scouted the opponent going mangonel to your base you’re probably doomed already before training a single LS because you’ll take ~10 shots on your eco before having researched man-at-arms + LS.

What infantry civ is doing fine?

Aztecs only?

Goths is “Low tier/Trash” to higher levels. (Huskarls is fine)

Incas only works because of trushing (not the infantry)

Every other infantry civ is in the GUTTER.

Buff every infantry except Huskarls.

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Aztecs, vikings and celts are all top tier civs.
Incas, Japanese teutons, slavs and malians are all solid good civs.
The only truly bad civ for infantry is Bulgarians

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About half of the civs you’re mentioning aren’t played as infantry civs. Most of the rest don’t use longswords.
Aztecs: rely on monks, siege, archers, eagles
Vikings: played as archer civ until late imp
Celts: primarily a siege civ, pikes and Knights are the main secondary units
Japanese: played as archer civ until imp
Teutons: 100% cavalry civ

PS: sorry for any mistakes, I haven’t checked this thoroughly.


And where is it shown that infantry is supposed to be the core of armies in this game?

The militia line is listed as being weak to both archers and cavalry so i am lead to believe that militia don’t serve as the core, but rather as a support role.

The spear and eagle lines see common use throughout the game, and most infantry civs are in a solid spot. Just because you don’t like the design has no bearing on that. Games been like this for 20 years, and despite militia not being a core army unit the game still sells extremely well and is widely regarded as one of the best rts games ever made.

While this might not be the solution, how about making Supplies research faster? It adds to the research time in getting all of the upgrades, and you have to wait for 35 seconds before queuing any units if you want to take full advantage of it.

It wouldn’t make or break them, but an almost instantaneous research time would help with transitions and massing them (be that in the Imperial or Castle/Feudal age).

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Im necroing this thread because it’s still as valid as ever. As is evident by the repeated number of militia buff threads/posts.

Even if militia line isn’t buffed in general, all the points here still validate the LS tech cost decrease

An alternative proposal is to change the initial militia line teching to cost gold and wood(potentially up to and including LS) . To mitigate the element that militia line handicaps aging. Not only do they cost food to produce but their numerous mandatory teching requires even more food. And on top of that you end up with a massive lag in power (in comparison to practically every unit in the game) between early feudal and imperial. Much logic.

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Man, we already have 2 active threads about this topic. 0 reason to necro a third one.


You’re still trying to force something that is fine as it is, without even giving some good reasons?
As a guy here said:

Militia line will never take the place of xbows and knights in Castle Age because being ranged and/or fast is so much better, even with worse stats. Buffing even more the militia line will just lead to some obvious problems like some all-in push strats in Feudal and early Castle Age, which is enormously unhealthy (especially with civs like Goths, Celts and maybe some more).

From the “other thread” you used as “repeated number of militia buff threads/posts”: Militia-Line Underpowered and Need a Buff?

This guy has no idea what he’s talking about.
First of all in Castle Age LS are not used just because trash doesn’t see standard use (Pikemen and Elite Skirmishers are not that common, and their easy counter are respectively just a bunch of scorpions - which can be useful also against xbows - and knights) and so LS aren’t the best counter to trash in that age. And this is fine. Militia line has not been made for Castle Age (anyway still finding good use in cheesy strats, since LS melt buildings), since it shines in Imperial Age, especially on later stages of the game when a player can still afford some cheap and useful units against a full enemy trash. In other scenarios are still a perfect way to counter a common halbs + rams push comp.

Just because a unit is situational or people doesn’t know its strenght and its weaknesses doesn’t mean it’s bad. Another case is the one in which people are just complaining because they like the unit and they want their favourite one being buffed.


For a post that assumes a ton you don’t actually address the point of the thread instead assuming something else.

The tech is over priced no matter which way you look at it EXCEPT for your reasoning that something is fine because it exists.

You (like so many others) are fine with the game being played one specific way instead of accepting that it isn’t perfect. And there is actually room for improvement.

Here is the proof

Minor tweaking will lead to some exaggerated situation? Sure man :roll_eyes:

Just say " i dont want anything changed" because you aren’t willing to consider any tweaking

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Minor tweakings in this game are huge, of course i’m just wasting time talking to someone who has no clue about the game and/or doesn’t play on a proper level to understand these things.

“some obvious…” problems. I was clearly referring to the consequences of your beautiful ideas, it seems you can’t even get the points of the discussion.

You have the right to complain and try to make your point, but you should know that you should also understand first how things work before shouting nonsense things, since that unit is actually perfectly balanced on his role.

There are many other things that could be changed since the game is quite unbalanced on many other aspects, but here we’re so far from that. Militia line is good as it is, for now. The reasons? Already explained before, i think every capable person can understand that everything can’t become meta or standard in a game. And that’s basically how it works.