I would like to see a rework of ranked to include more and better maps (not only map which is picked by the dev + semi voted map only of the classic map pool) as EW do it right now , this way if someone don’t want to play specific maps , more bans without staying on full arabia which is bad for the game (by someone which was used to play only huns war arabia on voobly ) ofc no more alt f4.
Fixes all bugs before adding new content pls, adding new civs is at least not a priority, im even against it since they are already 37 civs ! that’s already too many for me ! Even some civs are missing identities (incas) or are just bad designed (looking especially at cumans(well 2nd tc) goths(too lame + infantry oriented) and sicilians(50% less bonus damage is clearly a problem imo and donjons make the civ too bad vs trushing) which are too inconstant depending of factor and in fact too hard to balance with current design and also portuguese’s feitoria which is a problem because no other civ can respond at all when feitoria’s time is coming, i thought at wonder who can make this for other civ by generating ressources as well but ofc cost a lot less than actual one because with current price it’s impossible to use BUT keep portuguese a slight advantage over wonder which should be different as well like same gathering rate but no 20 pop for wonder while its cost a lot more to build ? idk).
Things like possibility to see a record from patchs ago which i think can be tough since it need to completly remade the way of record works but i have confidence that it will happen someday.
And i think should be a top priority : we should not suffer from lag from others! in the past , if someone has too many pings with us the game was lagging , now it’s fixed , only the user concerned lag and great thanks for that that’s whas a big issue ! But if someone juste have a potato pc we are all running at low fps, and can quickly become unplayable (i don’t even imagine guys which do michi 500 pop with a lot of siege onager how that’s must be completely unplayable and even crashing).
The game is in a good spot and i don’t think we should do a lot of nerf i can see only few civs which require it like the chinese which must become more easiest to handle at low elo and at the same time less strong at higher elo , it’s really hard to explain at a 1400 elo to not play this civ because you will just struggle with, while the civ is clearly top tier and one of the most feared at top elo , even at my elo (1800) i feel like that is not the strongest civ at least for arabia, i would ranked vikings for example better which i think juste need free wheelbarrow / hand cart but need to be researched it will probably fix it.
I could see teutons which are currently too bad vs non-cavalry civs especially vs cavalry archer civs and turks which are too bad also vs crossbow + pikes , and also spanish which are missing eco or military bonus for feudal / early castle age i don’t think the bonus of builder + blacksmith one is enough.
Outside of mangudai in post imp only (not castle age) and eagles only in ew (which i think can be resolved with something like taking away the barracks but keeping the possibility of building archery range or stable instant and maybe having 1 spear at the beggining ?) i don’t think any unit is broken
PS : a strong unit which can be countered is not broken for me so things like war wagon are ok for me even if it will understand if this unit can be a little nerf (or nerfed ? dunno what is the correct word for it?)
Ah and just remove burgundian’s unique tech that’s is frustating and impossible to balance. Sicilians one can be ok but flemish relovution is not aoe2, i would even say that’s burgundians vineyards is not good for the game but well that’s not the worst and can be ok as well.
Steppe lancer : it has absolutely no use, knight are clearly better in all situations , its cost gold, elite upgrade is expensive : clearly not good for raiding : it need to find a role that the kts or hussar don’t get and that’s really hard maybe a feudal version which can be used for full feudal ?
Some unique units as well like jaguar which i can not see any use outside of deal with eagles or huskarl raid by surprise and not getting the time to go champion +8, and in global infantry unique unit which suffer a lot from supplies burmese arambai is pretty bad at the moment i think as well but missing experience with the new one so i may be wrong.