I had commented on a post, but I have come up with a slight check on it.
Buff: Do not require barracks to build archery range or stables (similar to Khmer).
Check: Free attack upgrades at Blacksmith either require Blacksmith or a Barracks.
Reason: The Magyars have one of the best scrushes in the game when they reach there. But their economy is too slow to get there before the walls are up. Having no dark age bonus means they do not have any advantage over say Saracens or Turks when scrushing. Even Goths can have a faster scrush because they save 24 seconds on loom.
Saving 175+ wood means advancing 2 villagers earlier. The Barracks requirement being waived off is because they are an archer and cavalry civilization having no need of barracks after Feudal Age, except for the odd counter unit. The Barracks requirement is only waived off creating a range or stable and not ageing up.
In case someone plays them conventionally building a Barracks or going for a drush, nothing changes.
The Stable can be build immediately hitting Feudal Age, saving atleast 175 wood on Barracks. If wanted a Blacksmith can also be built parallely, to gain the attack upgrades, saving atleast 25 wood in dark age.