Magyars balance change

You can have it anyway, don’t tell me 3 m@a can stop you make a blacksmith!!!

except if the rumors are true cav archers are getting buffed. and who benefits from that more then the civ who starts with the 1 upgrade that benefits cav archers the most straight from the second castle age is researched?

how many civs can afford to research thumb ring right away? none. they usually get it a few minutes later.

you mean like a tech that gives them extra armor? or a bonus that makes them do extra damage when standing on a hill?


That’s 6 villagers + 3 farms for free. And not having to wait before your CAs stop missing half their shots is nice too.

No TR=they miss half their shot, how are they going to win against an opponent that never misses?

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Not talking about techs, give them a free civ bonus for their CA at least faster training time, and their tech need a castle and 300 gold 200 wood and the hill bonus almost useless casue you will not stand on a hill the whole time or you will not have enemy will let you do that

Not much as you think

you mean like CA doing better damage from hills?
already done.

you don’t always need to stand on a hill but you can bet i frequently in pro games watch archer players micro there archers to hills when available to better trade with the enemy. so yeah, it is a good bonus.

Well the only hope is in the new patch by fixing the CA frame delay problem in general, if they got this it will be enough although i prefered to give the Tatars 50% discount on food blacksmith upgrades not Bulgarians and two more sheeps!!!

it is. That’s 2 1/2 farms
It’s not that you can’t get it, but it is sooo much better if you don’t need to.