Ohhh, haha, they were your teammate?! Okay, I guess that’s a different story. Ban makes a little more sense to me now
You CANNOT ban people for ALT+F4’ing. There is no way to differentiate between ALT+F4 and a genuine drop. Since this game does not have a way to reconnect, it would be F…ING STUPID to ban people for abandoning.
That being said, I think I have to say that I’m against ALT+F4 and I pray that people who do it will have problems with their adblocks, making them watch every youtube video with ads
Word. I was just thinking back to seeing discussions about people hating ALT+F4ers. I have no personal experience with the phenomenon in AoE
I’ll edit my post since the mere mention of it makes people want to ALT+F4 the forum browser window, even though I’d already said, essentially, “Ahh, I see; I get it” since
You mean people aren’t allowed to be a$$holes to others??? Oh the horror!!!
who gets to decide who’s an asshole?
Obviously the answer to that is going to be different depending on the context, in this context it is obviously the developers who decide.
I assumed the the post he lamed the heck out of him as a teamate, if they were enemies it would be fine gameplay
Oh, right, right. Thanks for clarifying! I eventually realized he did it to a teammate. Is good to know it’s fair play to do that against your foe
That is a bad thing, banning people because they hurt someone’s feelings is just plain idiotic!
Its a 20 year old game their arent many children playing this game, you shouldnt be banned for hurting people’s feelings, people shouldnt be too sensitive. I should be able to say what I wish!
nah you shouldn’t, consider this ban a way to learn to stop being an asshole to other people.
You can say all the things you want, and also be mature enough to accept the proper response for saying those things.
It’s the same if I go into my workplace screaming slurs or death treats to my coworkers just because one of them didn’t managed to get some tasks done the day before. I should be mature enough to accept a slap from HR or be fired, not to expect them to be less sensitive.
Also, this game has a list of community guidelines from Xbox. And there is a huge gap between trash talk and being worthy of a ban.
wow guys at least we know why this guy got banned… no mystery here… also completely unsurprising…
If someone gets banned for a game they payed for, there ought to be a reason. I mean, if you get banned from 4chan for no reason, that’s fine, but the level of service should be better than that here. (So I am not defending banned players here, but at least a written description should be given as to why exactly)
Yes, that seems fair. Even a generic explanation would be acceptable. For example, “Inappropriate chat in game #123234” or “Griefing in game #4566776”. I can then download the replay and say to myself “Yeah… I was pretty salty…”
Actually, even just providing the game ID would probably be enough to determine why a ban was received.
lel the guy clearly knows what he did wrong, you can see by his behaviour 3 MONTHS later what type of person he was/is… like maybe if he had a heat of the moment thing and got banned it would be a mystery… but people dont get banned for that, they get banned for repeated offenses
and on top of that…
he WAS NOT BANNED FROM PLAYING… he was banned from playing ranked/multiplayer… he can still play his game against the ai and be as toxic as he wants… there’s a difference between stopping him from playing completely, and preventing him from being toxic to other players…
I did not mean to stand up for the banned guy in the thread obviously. But it would be good for bans to have explanations for people who did something wrong and want to know what it was. Obviously there will always be people who are just obnoxious and clearly won’t learn from/care about the reasoning, but one should be provided nonetheless. It’s also not very clear how or what exactly gets you banned.
Honestly I thought that the report system was just for show, that nobody actually reviewed the reports. So I am glad to see that they actually punish people. Met too many idiots as team partners, e.g. surrendering immediately on first sight of 3 enemy troops, walling in their team partner’s TC, being toxic in general (yea you can be toxic despite the chat filter, big surprise eh?) etc.
This is bad behaviour and should of course be punished. You shouldn’t get banned for saying “idiot” once or twice but if you keep getting reports for toxic behaviour, imo the ban is justified.
If you don’t think you did something banworthy, you can appeal to a gm. “minor things” equaling a ten-day suspension seems a bit unlikely. Either you’re doing a lot of minor things, very often or you did some very specific big no-no.
I’m not just going to assume the GM’s overreacted with zero evidence aside from your word. You are banned after all.
A very tiny, practically nonexistent part of the playerbase. Anyone reasonable who has a problem with Alt-F4 is asking for timeouts for the queue, not multi-day bans. 30 minutes would be more than enough. I wouldn’t advocate for any bans based on disconnection unless there was some very severe and distinct abuse with nigh-certainty of malice.
even speech freedom has limits dude. We must learn be respectful to each other. If we are playing this to have fun (which we are I believe) no one has to listen anybody’s toxic chat or cursing!