Make coat of arms appear on the TC flag, or on the buildings

I dont know if I am the only one who thinks that way but it would be nice if our coat of arms could appear on our buildings during gameplays or at least on the TC flag.


I would love this, especially since they’re adding new emblems and things as ranked rewards.


I’d like to see a small vertical banner on my keeps & gatehouses.


That would be so cool!


Totally agree, I actually mentioned this in another thread. I think gates and keeps would look cool with banners hanging from them. It would be a nice bit of personalization to the battlefield. I enjoy the effort they put in to making the buildings and the area around them look cool and adding some landscaping features. Obviously it’s a secondary cosmetic touch but I like making my base look cool when I can and seeing my banner flying in a few places would go a long way towards that goal. Obviously there are more urgent things that need the devs attention but I hope this is on their radar at least.

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This would be great. Having our Coat of Arms hanging as banners off walls and buildings, and flying as flags off our Town Centre and Keeps.

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