Make Mangudai Great Again

Hello Aoe community, what do you think of buffing mangudai again? I am not really suggesting a buff directly, I’m pointing to more of the original mangudai we had in the past.

I think for September patch it would be nice to see Mangudai to have their original 0 frame delay again, ever since the nerf in African Kingdoms, they feel more like regular CA.

I know a lot of people think that they’re already OP but as we all know that mongols are pretty much carried by their UU and except the early hunt bonus they really don’t have any other ECO bonuses.

I would rather have less 1 attack on mangudai from 12 to 11 or even reducing mongol hunt bonus from 40 to 35%. I think the ability to micro mangudai with no frame delay would be something that all mongol players would live to have back in their arsenal, exactly what Kipchak stolen from them:)

So Dear AOE Developers, at least think about it.


the mangudai is already strong enough as is, and does not need to be buffed. yes its worse then its glory days but it’s still arguably the best UU in the game.


Latest posts nowdays:
“Buff Mangudai”
“Buff Slavs”
“Nerf Goths”
“Nerf Leitis”
“Nerf Imperial Camel”
“Throw Khmer back to the worthless side” (But I agree with some kind of small nerf)
“Teutons melee armor is busted”
just a few…
And why Mangudai, which is already a good unit need a buff?? and why Mongols need the Hunt bonus reduced even more?


I guess my title should’ve been balance mangudai/mongols. I agree with all of you that mangudai are already pretty good but being able to micro them with 0 frame delay exactly like Kipchak would be the way to go.
Don’t mind reducing their attack a little or even some other balance change in their economy, but micro ability with no delay is really what made mangudai big time attractive in the past.

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Doesn’t really matter, it’s still one of the sickest units to use and micro


Well the Kipchak is really squishy and has a weak damage output in exchange for that 0 frame delay. Even with one less attack Mangudai would still be way stronger and bulkier than that.


So I keep seeing people say that mangudai have zero frame delay but the wiki reports them is having a frame delay of 5 is the wiki and incorrect here?

Elite Mangudai used to have 0 delay until forgotten expansions nerfed it to 5.


Also be aware the wiki is very misleading.

Effective attack delay varies considerably from the frame delay. Especially for units such as mamelukes (much to my surprise)

There’s also some interesting stuff like two handed swordsman should always land the first hit against champs and so forth…

And also helps with understanding why m@a are even worse vs archers than they should be (abysmal attack delay)


Buff the Mangudai?! Hahahaha, dude the Mangudai need a nerf not a buff.


I’m not usually a fan of nerf/buff suggestions, but I’d support this. I think having Mongols revolve around Mangudai adds some variety to the game as a whole


nerf them alright but bring back their 0 frame delay, it’s not like that you’re gonna spam mangudai like huskarals, they still take a lot of time to mass and get all their upgrades

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Isn’t it like totally the case right now?

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I like Mangudai where they’re at. They don’t need their insta-shot as long as they have a low enough firing delay. It’s debatable whether their attack delay should be lowered or not but it shouldn’t be 0. I don’t think it should be less than the archer-line and it currently is longer than the archer line.

Whenever we discuss changing certain aspects of Mangudai, we need to distinguish between regular non-Elite Mangudai and Elite Mangudai. In their glory days when Elite Mangudai had 0 delay, non-Elite Manguda had twice the delay that they have now and they were terrible. Currently, with both non-Elite and Elite Mangudai having the same delay (and both having half the delay of cavalry archers), Mangudai are way more fun to use in castle age.