Training the mercenaries and outlaws at religious place is improper.
Inn should be introduced into the game for Asians.
For the mechanic of mercenaries training, perhaps the initially trainable 3 types of the mercenaries at Tavern, Inn and Saloon should depend on the map. This can at least grasp the information in advance like outlaws and native warriors.
The effect of the card Theaters from Europeans and Atonement from Asians may be changed into reducing mercenary training time by 20% and randomly providing 5 types of mercenaries at Tavern and Inn.
Besides, some types of mercenaries should able to be trained regularly by the civ they related to, like Black Rider for Germans, Swiss Pikeman for French, etc.
Anyway, let the basic train time of mercenaries, outlaws and native warriors -40% first.
They are immediate combat power who are hired and recruited, and do not need to receive military training from scratch, as long as they negotiate a contract to fight.
My ideas about Inn.