you can press the small arrow left to your name on my post to see the reference
Freeborn are a bigger eco sink than sofa, at a fraction of the power and utility; and to unlock them you need to kneecap your eco??
All Things Castle
Sofa: 180 res per 26s; 12.3dps base + 1.85 bonus vs infantry; 195 hp 3/3 armor; 1.725 movement speed; heavy cav tag.
Freeborn: 125 res per 15s; 6.55 dps base + 2.91 bonus vs range; 175 hp 0/5 armor; 1.375 movement speed; infantry tag .
The only 2 advantages the freeborn has over sofa are:
Takes no bonus dmg from standard castle units (springalds are the exception).
Already starts with +5 range armor without needing an expensive upgrade.
One idea to rectify this expensive, niche unit is to take it out of the famriba and enlist it into the standard malian roster. Swap in a stronger donso with +1 melee armor and more bonus vs cav. And while we’re fixing the famriba… all units are unlocked immediately when built and the building has double the standard production speed.
Malians REjoice! The dev’s have heard our cries?! Now let’s see/anticipate how they answer?
My guess give the wording
Refreshing adjustments for Malians…
“refreshing” - aka something that hasnt been implement before
“adjustments” - change to an existing unit/building.
My guess? Either something to do with cows or something to do with properly countering heavy enemy frontline?
Okey. Let’s hypothesize.
The devs said they are going to improve the feudal gameplay of Mali and Japanese.
Both are Infantry Civs and were greatly affected by the change of Elite Tactics Army in Imperial (IV).
I have a few ideas:
1.- Nerf to the mounted Samurai, they will take away some HP or attack stats so that their fast castle is not so broken.
2.- Shinobis can now be built in barracks, landmarks only unlock them.
3.- Another unique unit, Sohei warrior monk.
Oh wait, that was for Japanese. For Mali
Mali possible changes
1.- Freeborn warrior as a new unit in feudal. The Farimba version now is Mansa Freeborn warrior.
2.- Archer renamed Sofa, and Sofa renamed Farimba (It’s worth dreaming), also as new unique unit, the “poison” arrows are their ability since feudal. Poisoned Arrows now increase that damage.
3.- Musofadi warrior get the first strike ability at the beginning, a “Bonus damage” when attacking from the shadows, without the Landmark Huntress Fortress. Now the landmark only “Improve” that bonus damage.
In any case, let’s hope for the best.
Where did you hear these specifics? Feudal gameplay?
Attention to detail!! Well done!!