Mangonels nerfed in new sever side patch!

POSTED BY [Arch902] (Profile - Arch902 - Age of Empires Forum)Age Insider"“Out of curiosity, are you for or against the mango nerf? I can’t tell based on your conflicting reply here and in this thread .”"

I am for a nerf to seige. As I posted before I think the nerf to “Damage” is the wrong direction. I think a nerf to there health and /or rate of fire would have been the proper nerf.
Nerfing the damage they do just makes people not make them anymore. Nerfing just there health and there movement speed is a better way. People will still try to mass them BUT its going to be harder and the counter to this will be easyer.

Mangonels should do a lot of damage!! That’s there purpose to kill a lot of bunched up “light armored” ranged units. The issue was there counter (horsemen or even knights) just got melted and destroyed trying to get to them and torch them down.
This was the core issue. So in mass in a 4v4 game this was an issue. Massing horsemen to try and counter didnt work. It got beat over and over and this was the issue. The mangonels moved to fast to run away and there health was to much.
We will now see how bad this nerf really is. But I think most people now will not make Mangonels as its just not worth it now.

p.s in a indirect way this is a BUFF to China. NOB and Grenadier just got buffed!! ( WERE BACK BOYS. BRING OUT THE NEST OF BEES SPAM.)

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