Meet The Team! Alexander Flegler, Creative Director! - Age of Empires

Thank you so much for all those years

I hope you guys still work on the in game unit portraits and main menu background, they are far from ok…

@MarceloMoura10 said:
I hope you guys still work on the in game unit portraits and main menu background, they are far from ok…

Or maybe they’re just for the beta, and they’ll be different in the final version.

“We did a lot of historical research…” Can you make this available on the website or some other way? Age of Empires stands out from other games in the genre because it looks like its closer to historically accurate. When a parent buys a game for a child, this would add a great deal of value to the game, giving the game some educational value above its semblance of historicity. As far as I can tell, the game is not too far off the mark. Connecting this to other Microsoft projects, like Encarta, could help not just the image of the company, marketing but also the experience of the game. The research is already done and paid for, make the best of it.