Estaría muy bueno y sé que atraería a más gente a nuestra comunidad mejorar el aspecto visual del juego, ya que es la 1era impresión que se da en los juegos, lo visual. Implementar las siguientes características poniéndolo en modo opcional para que tampoco afecte el rendimiento de que los que lo deseen.
1.- Agregar al juego más animaciones a las unidades militares para no verlos tan monótonos. Que sea cool ver las batallas.
2.- Poder ver algo de los difuntos, parte de su ropa tirada o algún huesito y no exagerado como en el mod existente.
3.- Que al crear los edificios cerca se creen como: caminos ,flores, etc.; como en el Age IV.
4.- Que cada civilización tenga vestimenta distinta, pero parecida para poder identificarlos.
Espero que se tome muy en consideración este punto y apoyar para que la comunidad del Age of Empire 2 crezca más <3
Personally i find the visuals of the game more then adequate, most RTS aren’t known for having stellar animations as is, and gameplay and balance have always been a bigger concern in the Genre as a whole.
Even SC and WC weren’t known for having great visual animations.
Would be cool to have skeletons/dead units that last a little longer at least, instead of the rather odd sinking-into-ground.
This is probably too much in terms of resources as well as ease of identification. Unique castles per civ and more eye candy/editor objects would be good though.
Other than that, unit and building graphics are excellent.
I can tell you don’t have any experience graphics modding. This is a problem for a few reasons. 1, it will require a massive amount of work from the devs to rework all of the military units, and if they are going to do graphics stuff, I would much rather have them work on unique castles and maybe regional units. 2. All the mods that replace units will be broken, because they don’t have all the proper animations anymore. This will require an insane amount of work for them to fix, and isn’t remotely worthwhile.
This is fine, just slow corpse decay.
No, this is unnecessary, and just creates pointless visual distractions. Also, the amount of code needed for this will create so many bugs in wouldn’t be remotely worth it.
Clothing isn’t a big thing, it’s better to just go for full regional units if we wanted to do that.