Remove the lobby type at the top, the filters on the right are enough.
Enable all types of ranked games in lobby, ranked games should just have an icon next to them which is enough to avoid confusion.
Having a section for each game mode just massively decrease visibility and engagement
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what are you talking about my man ?
wait sec let me try to understand.
I see now, you want to remove the option of Unranked, Ranked 1v1 Deathmatch and Ranked Team Deathmatch from the options in Lobby Type.
Kind of confusing here.
We have an individual tab for 1v1 ,2v2, 3v3,4v4 ranked matchmaking at the top. why do you want to enable ranked games in lobby too? or you want to removed the Ranked tab at the top and merge it with Lobby tab ?
Ranked deathmatch is nearly dead, and we might have empire war there later on. The lobby type options are for the fans who only want to play the specific game mode.
My previous reply was saying that the host should not be able to kick people in ranked lobby so I don’t want to see 1v1,2v2,3v3,4v4 ranked games changed to lobby from the current matchmaking.
ranked lobbies for other stuff that is not present in ranked queue.
Ranked lobbies are terrible. We have seen this at HD, at Voobly, … Matchmaking rank is soo much smoother. It is really an upgrade. Only drawback is that isnt working for small players bases, so for niche settings. But they are niche settings for a reason: They arent really popular.
For “niche” settings as you call it, that’s the best / only option we got.
FYI the custom scenario / deathmatch scenes do have a decent number of players, and they are just being outcasted by this ugly lobby system
it does seem that most people replying to posts on this forum are usually not affected by the topic at all, yet they just keep posting their non constructive replies without knowledge
There would be no need for ranked lobbies if we just had more maps and more bans (preferably infinite bans). I think a lot of you wrongly assume that more maps and infinite bans would mean Arabia only, but I don’t think you realise Arabia is just the least worst option for a lot of us. I favourite Arabia, not because it’s my favourite map, but because I hate FC closed maps and water maps. Giving us more maps and more bans means water and closed maps players get more choice too. Everybody wins.
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Well I’ll disagree here. There were a lot of great features in Voobly and even HD ranked lobbies that DE’s matchmaking misses out on. The ability to play custom settings or maps from current tournaments is a big one. And particularly for Voobly TGs, it was great how you’d finish and go right back to the same game room (and be able to chat with the spectators even).
I think the problem is that the “matchmaking” is a completely separate system from lobbies. I’d rather see these integrated, such as if you’re in the queue it also searches lobbies and, say, puts you in a lobby if you’re looking for Arabia and there’s someone hosting 1v1 Arabia. Or that creates a lobby when a match is found so that everyone in the game remains in the same place when it’s done. And at the very least you should be able to browse lobbies while in the ranked queue (right now you can’t switch tabs), so you can go and join something if you see it more quickly than just waiting around in the queue.
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