I have created a test mod to see how the modding works in DE, but I have run into some problems and I don’t know what the problem is. I’ve changed some player colors, edited some unit stats and some strings to start testing with it. My mod folder looks like this with the 3 files:
…mods/local/My Mod Name/Data/protoy.xml (4,86 MB)
…mods/local/My Mod Name/Data/playercolors.xml (2 KB)
…mods/local/My Mod Name/Data/strings/English/stringtabley.xml (3,14 MB)
I followed the hiearchy of the folders, yet when I check ‘My Mods’ in-game, it says my mod is 3,14 MB only. However, only the unit stat changes work that I’ve made in protoy.xml when I test it, the player colors don’t change, also the string that I changed remained the same. I have triple checked the couple lines that I had changed, there are no syntax or semantic errors.
Can anyone help me troubleshoot this?