Monks Getting Weaker with each AoE Game

Ur so cool now that you’re British.

I’m not cool for saying that and I’m not brittish?

Then who else says mate?

It’s a common thing to say these days on the Internet and all I want is to be nice saying that.

I’m not however going to have another discussion with you about when or not to use the word mate because that’s just absurd to me and not needed. I’m not cool nor brittish it’s just a word people use when having a friendly discussion. Didn’t think this needed an explanation.

Are you serious by questioning me or assuming that I write mate just to be cool and am brittish?

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I’m not questioning you or anything, I just think British people are cool, that accent is amazing.

Alright, my bad then because the way you wrote that could be understood the wrong way.

And for the record I’m Greek :slight_smile:

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If it was the ancient age or the early medieval age now I would think that is incredibly cool.

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Either way I think you’re cool.

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Likewise man have a nice day and I’ll see you around on the forums!

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That you will, I’m here everyday. :smiley:

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In my oppinion monks in AOE 4 will be more important than AOE 2 at least for some civilizations.

  1. They have via relic the multiple convert option (maybe in some civs only).
  2. Monks of some civs can convert units (in some civs needs a specific research for this). ( this sounds worst than in AOE 2).
  3. Obviously all monks will have the healing ability.
  4. Monks for some civs will have and extra abilities. For example the scholars (they help also at research, they can boost the auto generation elephant process from the Age 4 landmark etc). Also Imam in a special monk unit with a lot of extra abilities etc.

Doesnt really make sense for the medieval era and in general.

Do you think Russian warrior monk will be cavalry which can convert in spare time? :smiley:

Tbh, I think they are gonna be AoE1 level. One of the stronger units, as they can take a good chunk of your army and take it for themselves

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