Monthly challenge: congratulations, we have reached the new low

When FREELO exists for a select few civs and basic glitches are still rife, it’s hard not to write something on an almost DAILY basis.

I think he’s actually showing a lot of restraint here, at this point MORE noise actually needs to be made, not less. That’s the situation we’re in right now.


Yeah definetely
At least a message telling us what is going on would be better than nothing

even if the message was “lol we’re abandoning the game, make danes and poles yourself. laterrrrrr”


This message is a lot better than what’s going on.

It’s normal for game life cycles to end. Announcing that and letting the community know that the game is no longer going to be supported is completely acceptable. Better than no one, not a single person saying anything about it in like 7 months. And that is what should have happened.

But confusingly enough they promise us a dlc.


Tomorrow is the AOMR official release which has drained every single drop of your manpower for more than six months.

We’ve been finding hopium like “well they will probably do something every season/in six months/when the skin event ends”. None of them ever came.

Special reminder that we’re not talking about updates or news but ONE LIVING HUMAN BEING TO SAY ONE SENTENCE from the company.

I am not seeing any reason why you still cannot even say a word after tomorrow. No more excuses.


I just feel so silly for getting excited about what was going to happen after the final skin unlocked.

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We’ve been seeking hopium with all kinds of brain gymnastics. In the past we had berry bushes, the anniversary of 3DE, the Napoleon movie, the end of the skin event.

Still on the waitlist are AOMR’s release, Independence Day of Poland, Christmas, the anniversary of AOE3, etc.

They should try to figure out why we have all become astrologers.


Is like the Girl you love.
First is like honeymoon
She gives you more than you expect first
But then she left away
She promise, confuse. you
And without a single word. You still love her

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I never loved WE. I love AoE3, and AoE3 still gives me joy to this day.


I feelt the same bro. u.u

How comes this sound so personal bro. Are you stalking me? Jk

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So funny bro!

Yeah Im talking about WE and their mismanagement of AOE 3 DE!

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A week has passed since “we have reported your complaints about the event to the management” and they still have not decided what to say about it.

Wow so short-handed.

Or short-mouthed shall I say?

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