Move AoE 2 DE to another Notebook

I bought Age of Empires 2 DE for Windows a few month ago but now my notebook got problems with the hardware. I’d like to move the software to my second notebook. But how is this possible?

I would give any information nessessary to get usefull hints.

THANX in advance

P.S: I bought the first AoE game at first issue for my daughter and kept playing AoE up to now, AoE 2, AoE 3 and expansion packs. Now I am retired and my granddaughter got old enough to learn about AoE and continue the tradition. :wink:

Did you buy the game on steam or en xbox ?

On Xbox! I got a code and redeemed it.

I’m on Steam and did not use xbox, but this link may help you

Hi gnarfk!

Thank You for the hints. I read some parts of the stuff but then I did this: Because the notebook I installed AoE on will no longer be in use I resolved the connection between this notebook and the game software within my Mixrosoft account. Afterwards I was able to install the AoE 2 DE and the addons on the other notebook as I did in September on the old one. Now all works fine!!

bye and THANX