Moving game to another drive

Very noob question from an middle aged man who just got back into PC gaming this year. I just bought another SSD storage drive to install into my PC. It should be arriving this Sunday and want to uninstall steam and reinstall it on my new drive then reinstall all the games on the bigger drive. If I do this will I lose my AOE 4 profile and everything I have work over 500 hours on be gone? Basically what I want is steam and my games in the new drive and the old drive to just run windows. Thanks for your help and hope someone has done this before.

All the progress is saved in the Steam Cloud which are Profile icons, banners, level, and so on (except saved games).

That was quick that is what I was hoping to here. Will it keep my campaign progress if I have finished the campaign and don’t have any saved files?

Yes. Your campaign progress is safe

Awesome, thanks. Hope you have a great day

Hay , infact the Savegame stuff is also saved on your PC
Should be in: "documents/my games/aoe4 "
Or in " C:\Users\Username\Games\Aoe4"
Incase you want to make a personal backup

Thanks for this information as well. If I move my games can I just leave those there if I do have any?? Will it run okay? Starting to run into storage issues so just want one driven dedicated to games. Not worried about the saved files as long as the games run smooth still

The aoe games will always save to your C drive ( The OS drive ) :smiley: