Moving The Timeline Forward

Musketeer is probably the only unit that follows the actual “progression of time” and can be used to pinpoint the timeline of the ages. On the contrary, pikemen, crossbowmen, rodelero, lancers etc. continue to wear renaissance- or thirty-years-war-styled armour up to the late game. Longbowmen even medieval.
In the meantime the entire hussar unit looks too advanced for the “colonial/commerce age” where the musketeer wears wide brimmed hats (~1600s). Most nations in the game did not have hussar regiments until late 1700s and the unit looks quite Napoleonic.
We also have the weird dragoon unit with a very Napoleonic helmet and also a cuirass.
So I’d say the timeline is already quite messed up in the very beginning. With more civs added this is sure to mess up even more.

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