MP game desyncs after doing a couple of actions in quick succession then using market

:arrow_forward: GAME INFORMATION

  • GAME BUILD #: 101.102.33868.0 (#99404) 12936891
  • OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows 11

:arrow_forward: ISSUE EXPERIENCED

Ranked multiplayer 3v3 game desynced after doing some fast actions and selecting market with select all market hotkey and buying stone.

:arrow_forward: FREQUENCY OF ISSUE

Rarely, happened 3-4 times over last few months

:arrow_forward: REPRODUCTION STEPS

I don’t have clear steps to reproduce it, but basically, it just happened to me in a game and this was the situation:

I was quickly microing a couple of units, then used select all market hotkey and was buying some stone, immediately upon clicking on the buy stone button, game desynced with the usual desync message.

A similar situation also happened to me 3-4 times before in an earlier patch.

:arrow_forward: GAME FILES (SAVE / RECORDING)

Example of the situation i described. It’s a ranked nomad 3v3.

Uploading the recs in hopes of devs being able to parse it for the cause of the issue.

MP Replay v101.102.33868.0 @2023.12.16 021039 (1).aoe2record (2.6 MB)

sync file

278616731-2023.12.16-02.30.05-p0-sync.txt (1.1 MB)

do you recall lagging during the game?

I find it that sometimes even in game features like flare can cause desync when game is laggy enough, but lag only contribute to portion of it and just increases the chances of desync.

other than that most of the time happening is completely random and can never pin down what the cause is

Hey Harooooo1,
Thank you for the report. Would it be possible for you to provide a desync log from another player from the same game?

EDIT: The more the better. If you can gather as much logs as you can from that game, that would help a lot.

is it possible for the dev team to implement a feature to collect desync/log files automatically from server’s side?

maybe a feature into the game when each time game desync, it auto transmit the desync log so players dont have to gather from others over the internet whom we have not associate with.

this would really help on solving desync, a huge big first step.

I will try to get the logs from some of the players but its highly unlikely