My suggestions for balancing siege units and the landsknecht

Age 2 by 3-4 mins second landmark directly after completing first by 5-6 min, production start 6 min, have about 5-10 and a ram by 7 mins

Also this is skipping a second TC and going all in on the ram rush, no villies on stone.

That’s on an absolutely PERFECT game, but my point is that China has a quick response option

Also horsemen have been slightly buffed which will help China

China has responses not saying that but its still weaker than other civs.

Yeah horses I like to go against archers but lot of times I rather just go for fast castle with 2 TC. Tho I play 2v2 only so even if I face french / english and my ally is french or rus I ask them to go knights while I go for spears. Much easier to stop their rush

ofc the enemy can also make horsemen, and Zhugu nu is actually weakened by this buff the most, so I think pushing with Zhugu nu is kinda easy to counter, its short-range makes it hard to kite vills under the influence of the TC.

Also about zhuge nu is the fact that the dmg can be cancelled by kiting. So if you move out of their range or zhuge nu move they might cancel their shots because each individual shot is its own animation which can be cancelled any time. Its like nest of bees which needs to change. Once the animation is started it wont matter where the target is 3 shots are shot even if the enemy teleports to different map and game those 3 arrows follow

Any longer than what it is now would not match the pacing and movement speed of units, imo, not to mention doing so would have French cannons be the most OP thing ever.

I think removing Siege Works and Greased Axles upgrade altogether might do the trick. Keep sieges with less health and speed. Also, buffing culverin speed to might be in order. Also increasing culverin range by 0.5 and springald range upgrade by 0.5 should be in order (to counter Chinese bombard).

If sieges are kept slow and with less health, fast-movers should be able to clean it up. And, in the imperial age, anti-siege units should be able to hard counter bombard simply by out-ranging bombards.