My suggestions for Indians and Persians

Nah, they are just not too easy to play due to unconventional unit lines and can suffer from bad transitions. They are a great counter civ similar to Byzantines.
The worst civ design wise are probably the Britons or Goths

11 that would totally break Persians and make them OP … In CBA.

I get goths, but why britons? They have FU infantry and okayish cavaliers just without bloodlines.

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Britons are poorly designed because their bonuses make parts of their design redundant because they do the same:

  1. Archers +1/+2 range
  2. Yeomen is the same just with a paywall
    Also why the tower attack increase? How is this related? This is the only tech that is doing two completely different things. If you compare this with Rocketry at least it is the same effect. Britons have two random effects for this tech, and one is just adding on a bonus that is already there
  3. Their UU is adding absolutely nothing and doesn’t fill a role the Britons need. It is just a plain upgrade for the archer line, but why make them when your ranges work 20% faster?

(4. Also I think they are unfun to play against since they snowball so hard. Mangonels don’t work and you outrange all the counters.)

I have kind of given up on Indians. They have no unit which receives full upgrades (apart from CA which have their own problems, discussed later in post). There castle tech and units are kind of under whelming.

Their 1st UU, Elephant Archer is just an example of a poorly design unit, with high costs and is countered strongly and easily by trash(helbs) and monks. Its an huge investment for an anti-archer unit role which a skirm can easily perform.

Their 2nd UU, Imp Camel: Yes they were buffed by providing 1PA per age starting from castle age, but they also lost PBA, which means in mealy fight Indian cavalry favors worse. Moreover Imp Camel upgrade is also costly.

Yes they do get fully upgraded CA’s. But it takes ages to mass them to make an impact. They have no direct bonus which helps in CA production. Also, as Indians second eco bonus sultans(which is suppose to help CA and other army production indirectly by generating gold faster from all sources) requires castle, also takes lot of time to research.

Yes Indians do have very good eco, but they lack units/firepower to convert that eco into.
For me Indians civ is viable only till castle age or at most till early Imp.

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